Good Morning,
How is everybody this morning?
My day yesterday ended up being a rough one. I'm not going to go into details but my IBS came out in a big way yesterday, in front of others and although I am able to laugh at it, it's humiliating too.
It worries me because if it can happen there, at work, in front of people, it could happen anywhere.
I never did end up hearing about the other job they wanted me to possibly interview for (the contracting company I'm currently going through). I did reach out via email as I said I would.
I did not however, do anything with my resume or jobsearch last night. I went right to bed. This week, my average sleep was 4 hours. It was a rough week.
I wrote about fear yesterday. I said I'd write about it everyday. And it was in more of a generic, this is how you deal with it way, but I'm just gonna keep it real on here today, without getting fatalistic, because no one needs that shit.
Trump. 2025. Maga.
Many of my tenacious, vicious, passionate friends have quieted their voices, afraid to speak out because we are "marking" ourselves if we do so. We are handing ourselves up on a silver platter.
I stand by the fact that some of the things my friends have posted aren't true or factual.
That's the shit I truly have a problem with. Because the opposition do that shit constantly.
Please. If you want to be taken seriously, post with is truthful.
The other thing is that after yesterday's farce of a meeting with Volodymyr Zelensky, I am absolutely blown away that anyone could act so childishly. I am blown away that after yesterday, people still follow them and worship them. They are fucking bullies and it was all a show orchestrated to kiss Putin's fish white ass.
MAGA? Make America Putin's Asshole is more like it. And you know what? I liken that behavior to a submissive on his hands and knees, raising his asshole up for Putin to stick his dick in and fuck the shit out of.
I have "friends" on facebook who worship at the altar of the orange dickmunch. And I have tried to give them the benefit of the doubt, because they have shown me kindness. But. Everyone I know has a big butt. One of them likes to post about the libtard cry babies, one of them has literally posted saying that Chelsea Clinton should be beheaded.
I'm just...what?
How many years has it been since America as a whole, watched in horror and anger, as Americans and others, were beheaded by Jihadi John?
And it's OK?
What the actual fuck?
But we're gonna dig deeper here because unlike those sick fucks who just cannot be honest and have completely gone out of their minds and have no ability to be rational or accountable, I can.
I want to learn.
About me.
Because as horrible as those things are, if I'm honest, I have numerous times said in conversation, that I wish that kid had made his shot just a little bit up and to the right. I've said that.
I've said other things that I won't write here because of the fear thing.
I've written about anger before and how, for me, anger is a killer. A killer of me. Being kind is not being a "pussy crybaby."
Better a pussy than a dick.
And what's going on is outrageous, it's infuriating.
Trump and Vance are a disgrace. That was not an act of bravery and tough love. That was an act of buffoonery, what we saw yesterday. That was an act of bullying, playing out before our very eyes.
The problem is this bully mentality is worshipped by so many. This is what America has produced? A legion of zombie bully dicks.
Bullies, individually, can do a bit of damage, but you get them in crowd mentality and yes, they become dangerous, rabid, part of a hive mind driven by and fueled by each other's anger.
Fuck you.
I will not promote hysteria, but let me just say this; dems, go get yourself armed...just in case. Use what they covet most, against them. Get your passport.
This is not the time for pacifism.
All's I am saying is that when it comes to fear of what may play out, hope for the best and expect the worst.
Prepare yourselves. Just in case.
It is sooooo easy to sink to their level; to be mean and to name call. But how does that strengthen you? Be a good person. Do not turn from that path but be an educated person; be a person that understands where this potentially could all go.
Be prepared for fight or flight.
I will not argue with asshats. They are zombies. They are single-minded and driven by base instinct as opposed to enlightenment and love.
Go ahead and post stuff but keep it classy and I only say this because the unknown warrior has a better chance of...prevailing...then the known one.
And continue to show love to your people, continue to fight for what you believe in. Choose love but be prepared to...well you know.
That's what I've got today. That and my back hurts and I got shit to do.
Have a great day.
Be Blessed.
Love & Light,