Hi Everyone,
How's everyone doing today? I'm a bit out of sorts to say the least.
Yesterday, was not good for me at all.
This pain in my back kicked into high gear. On top of it, I have one helluva cold. I've sneezed more in the past two days than I have in a lifetime. And my nose...running constantly.
My snot was fluorescent green yesterday, like it looked radioactive. But by evening, it's clean and just running non-stop.
The pain in my back, I have a name for it now. It's this horrid pain that I get once in awhile when I stand or sit in the same position for too long.
It started years ago when I worked out at the renaissance festival. My daughter and I were ticket counters and you have to stand and sort tickets (there are several different kinds) into buckets; count them, bla bla.
By the end of the season, this band of dull bur burning pain went across my mid back. It's above the small of my back by about 4 inches on the right side and it sortof radiates across that whole area from about an inch from the spine.
It has come back to haunt me at different times. The last time was a few weeks ago and my daughter massaged it and it went away.
But it's been back for about 4 days, which isn't normal, usually it passes in two days or so. It was so bad yesterday, I had to leave work. I went to urgent care, woohoo, more debt cuz I don't have insurance. Anyways, they checked everything they possibly could out. The doctor immediately stated that the location of the pain is not a usual location for kidney infection, pancreatic issues, or lung issues. So there is some aggravation in the area but we also drew blood and there's nothing to indicate any problems.
When this pain comes on, I stretch away from it constantly, that's normal and it'll feel better for a second but then that ache sets back in and it fucking hurts.
I wanted drugs yesterday.
Just make it stop. I am a whimp when it comes to pain.
But I got a diagnosis and it makes sense to me, of all the things I've read, this makes the most sense. It's called myofascial pain syndrome. Look it up. Considering how it started, it just makes sense. I can't afford physical therapy but he gave me a website that has all sorts of stretches. He told me to amp up my yoga, that at this point, that's more important than muscle work, meaning lifting at the gym. He did tell me that a stronger core will help so I'll be hitting that as soon as I physically feel able to. And massage therapy. I can't afford that, I can't afford to go in once a week. He suggested once a week for 8 weeks, then twice a week for 8 weeks and then once a month, non-negotiable.
Not gonna happen but right now, I'm using the chair massage cover my daughter got me and I'll go to the gym at some point today and use that chair.
I'm home because the pain is still there. It doesn't make sense to go in, sit in that uncomfortable chair, make it worse and not be able to get shit done because of the pain.
Lots of proactive stuff today.
And because of this cold, I'm out of it man. I feel stoned and I'm so not stoned. I had an IBS blowout, with puking and everything. I'm just a ball of love and light today.
But ballers don't give up so there you have it.
So, I will just maneuver this day and not overthink it and we'll go from there.
I hope you all have a great day.
Be Blessed.
Love & Light,
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