Hi Loves,
Saturday and boy it couldn't have come soon enough. My body is acclimating to the 5AM wakeup so I ended up managing to go back to sleep for an hour, after waking up at about 5:15 or so.
Ok, so I don't talk about #2 that much anymore. My IBS is still relevant. However, for the most part, it has changed dramatically. I go throughout the day now as opposed to all in the morning. And I don't have a lot of cramping diarrhea anymore.
Now, this morning was different. It was more of the old school Denise IBS. Cramping. You're gonna laugh though. I got on the scale this AM and it was shite. Then I felt peristalsis setting in. I learned that word from my sister. It's the whole process of food being moved through the intestines and ultimately, out our butts.
Yeah, well anyways, I went. It was massive. I hardly ever do the massive missions anymore, it's normal to bunny turds.
It was so big that I got on the scale and reweighed myself and I had lost 1.5lbs. That's a huge turd.
And I felt better too. I've had a bit of nausea this week and my one ear doesn't want to get better. But the nausea went away after the poop and hasn't come back.
I put in my grocery order today and I plan to do all my cooking...today.
For the entire week.
I need time after work to focus on Willow's Whimsy and exercise and the downtime I need before bed so that I can sleep.
For the most part, I've been getting regular sleep; anywhere from 6 - 7.25 hours. I can live with this.
I started taking edibles again but the problem with that is I'm worried about drug testing if I get a job offer. Technically, MN is not supposed to test for weed anymore, unless it's a federal job, or you are working with vulnerable adults, driving, etc.
So I may hold off until I see what happens with the county job I just interviewed for.
I'm not sure. It just helps so much.
I mean, until it doesn't, and then I have to take a break anyways.
I really, each of the last 2 weeks, have been easing myself into a morning and evening schedule. This week, I want to hit the go button and see what I can achieve.
I'm not gaining weight, but I'm not losing and at my age, exercise and the ability to do so, is a use it or lose it scenario. I don't want to lose it.
I do have some fun planned this weekend amidst my cooking and picking up (no cleaning, thank God). I am rollerskating tomorrow and maybe seeing a friend. I have to text her to see if she's available.
And I found a gift certificate my sister gave me over a year ago for a massage at Massage Envy so I'm going in for a massage this afternoon.
I need it.
Oh man, do I need it.
So lots of things going on and some fun so I can smile a bit and feel free a bit, free from all constraints and must do's, etc.
And I have to take my daughter to work in an hour, so I'm going to do a quick pick up of the apartment before I have to do that and then be on with my day.
I hope all of you have a good one.
Be Blessed.
Love & Light,
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