Good Morning!
Happy Sunday!
I've realized that when you stay busy on your days off, they seem to go slower, they don't go as fast and they are more fulfilling and restorative.
I don't know what to say except that I did a great job staying busy yesterday.
So I blogged, as you know.
I did two loads of laundry (one load is still in the dryer), I showered and shaved my legs and washed my hair. I was still intending to do bougie bath but that didn't end up happening.
I put in orders for groceries and for kitty litter.
I put away all the clean dishes.
I dropped my daughter at work and then I went home quick and cleaned out the fridge, took the garbage out.
I paid my rent. Yeah, baby!!! That felt amazing and humbling.
I also typed up one of our family recipes for the cookbook I'm working on.
Then I went and got a massage. Oh man. Just...oh man.
My body has soooo many knots in places it never used to. She was good though, the therapist.
I felt so light when I walked out of there.
Interestingly, so did my car. Is that weird?
Then I picked up all the groceries and the kitty litter.
Came home and made two of my meals for the week, cleaned the kitty boxes and put in the new litter. I took the old litter out to the garbage.
The cooking took forever. Totally forever.
I was exhausted at this point, I still had 3 things to make but no get up and go. So I cleaned the kitchen. Loaded up the dishwasher, then washed the things that can't go in the dishwasher, ran the dishwasher, cleaned all the counter tops.
Then it was time to go pick my daughter up from work.
So I did that, came home and read for a bit and then went to bed.
I mentioned yesterday that I ran out of edibles. Well, you guys, I don't know how it happened, but I got in over 8 hours of sleep last night.
I'm gonna tonight again without any edibles, not gonna buy more. Just until I get a job.
Fingers crossed that staying busy but allowing my body to relax for an hour prior to actual sleep will help.
Cuz it sure as hell worked last night.
This morning, I'm just being chill. I kind of want a muffin of all things but I'm not sure where to even go to get one I like. I don't do blueberry and all that normal stuff. What I really want is a banana, chocolate chip with walnuts muffin, lol.
We'll see. So far, I meditated. I am going skating this morning so I'm gonna push myself to get that load of laundry in the dryer folded and put away, I want to put all the clean dishes away and depoopify the cat boxes.
This afternoon will be cooking the other two things I need to cook; one is easy and one will take a bit of time.
The rest of the day will be spent writing; writing in my journal, creating a schedule for the week and getting my budget printed out so I can always look at it and know what's coming. I paid off another credit card yesterday, it only had 37 bucks on it. I'm hitting all the little ones first and then I'll start putting bigger chunks towards the high balance cards.
My credit took a hit because of all this but that's OK.
It wasn't even close to what I worried it would be. As long as I continue to make payments and get the cards down, the big thing for us, is going to be moving next September and I'll need good numbers for that.
Anyhoo, as far as my "me" stuff, I am going to do some work in the DBT workbook I have.
I've been doing this affirmation meditation most days, in the afternoon, and it's funny how this seems like nothing at all until you realize that some things aren't as heavy, that your load is lightening and that certain behaviors, attitudes and actions are changing. It's cool.
I intend to share that one on a video if I ever get to my YouTube channel again.
Hopefully soon.
I hope you all have an awesome day.
Be Blessed.
I'll be back tomorrow, probably in the morning.
If not, I will blog tomorrow night.
Love & Light,
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