Good Morning,
Sheesh, I went outside this morning and it was 18 degrees. This may sound cold to some, but to me, it felt like a veritable heatwave.
I am just waiting for a friend to call me as we are driving to South Minneapolis to move some boxes for her. She's moving and is for the most part, unable to do any of this herself.
Her daughter will be there so between us all, we should be able to knock what's there...out da park.
I offered to do this because I had my sister's help with my last move and it helped so much. It literally would not have gotten done had she not been there.
I'm grateful.
But you know, you gotta pay that shit forward. Make room so you can receive more. No, it's not just about me getting more from the Universe. I like this woman, I've met her on several occasions and she's a part of the group that meets via facetime call once monthly.
She has to give up her cat and that's hard enough. That right there, had my heart all in knots. So, yeah, I offered to help.
My friend Tracy and I, are going to drive out there together.
The woman I am working for, for this contracting position is doing everything she can to keep me there as long as possible because she knows my situation.
She was gone yesterday. I quickly got everything she wanted, done and spent the rest of the day writing my book.
What I do is I open Word, write a bunch then quickly copy and paste what I've written and then sign on to my gmail account and send it from myself to myself. Then I delete the word doc without saving.
Today, later obviously, in addition to applying for jobs, I am going to pull all of these and put them together in one document on my computer and edit. I don't want to write this weekend because I'm struggling with the revisiting all of this versus reliving it shit.
But I'm proud of what I've written so far.
I know I have no control over the weather but I'm over it man. I am so over it.
Snow yesterday, more to come in the following days/week or so. End of February into March is usually when we get the biggest snows.
But it's also hit or miss so who knows? I bring that up only to say that I'm gonna rent some skis and go cross country skiing if we do, before it's too late to do so. I would like to get in a sledding session as well. Of course, I have to buy a slide but I'll just get one of those cheap ones that roll up.
Tomorrow I'll write about my thoughts and feelings cuz I'm having some. LOL, what? Really? No shit Sherlock.
I have some new physical things and I think it's because of dehydration but the pain...it's excruciating.
Yesh, yesh, I will write more tomorrow. My friend has called and I must ready myself for activity.
Have a good day.
Be Blessed.
Love & Light,
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