Good Lord.
Honestly, that could be my entire blog today. Good Lord.
It’s been a morning.
I was going to clean the apartment last night, for this stupid ass inspection bullshite.
But I also was pretty wound up when I got home because I knew I had so much to do and only so much time to do it.
So I ordered groceries and then I took a bougie bath. Everyone and apparently their grandparents too, decided to call me while I was taking said bougie bath.
I’m just in the heated waters of mount doom, trying the fuck to mellow out, listening to beautiful music and then the phone rings, then it rings again, then it rings again, then the text notifications start going off.
I was like…mother fuckers!
Finally got out of the tub, texted one of my friends back and she asked to call me.
She did get me calmed down because at that point, I just wanted to clean the goddamn apartment and I had to go get a new litter box and litter for Pumpkin because I had to bring her over to my son’s place this morning.
But I was on the phone with her for literally over an hour and it was a hilarious phone call and I’m glad I had that call but I managed to do some things while on the phone with her and then I ran to Walfart, then I picked my daughter up from work, then I did a few more things, went to bed way late. I got up at 4, cleaned the fuck out of my place, got Pumps into her carrier, loaded the cart with a shit ton of garbage so hopefully, if the management at my place looked at the cameras, they wouldn’t see the kitty carrier, they’d just see the garbage.
This is the stuff of motherfucking nightmares man.
But I got her safely to my son’s, had time to be with her for a quick minute and then off to work I came.
Got here a half hour early because that’s how I roll.
Then my kid called me and I’m not going to go into her stuff but let’s just say I have to go run an errand in about an hour.
I love her.
She cracks me the fuck up, I have to laugh. She is her mother’s daughter.
But yeah…just wow.
I just spoke to my boss and she said not to punch out for the errand because it’s a quick ass one.
Don’t you just love how when I’m on “10”, I can’t stop writing swear words.
My boss was cracking up at the looks I had on my face when I was explaining why I had to run said errand.
I am my mother’s daughter.
Good Lord.
Lord Love a Duck.
Quack, motherfucking quack.
I am deflating as I write.
Oh my God.
And now my other lil’ sweetpea is on the phone, she is venting. It’s OK, she needs to. She gets to.
If I get this other job, the phone calls will not be a possibility. Right now, I’m hidden in my little office so I can get away with it to a certain extent.
You know, I feel bad for all of my family right now. I feel like we’re all feeling things heavy right now.
And nothing earth shattering, but just…life. Part of me hates the saying, Life’s a Bitch but sometimes…Life’s a Bitch. Or a Dick or a cocksucker or a ball breaker or a titty squeeze…fuckin’ A, man.
I’m Ok though. I’m OK today. I just have to be very protective of my what inner peace I have and I have to recharge. I might just take another fuckin’ bougie bath tonight and turn off my goddamn phone.
It’s super cold here and when that happens, I’ve noticed that the hot water in my bathroom doesn’t last as long so it’s really not as hot as I like it. I like it so hot, it’s painful to get in at first, I like it so hot that my entire body is pink when I get out and steam is coming off of me. It makes me feel like a powerful Goddess.
But yeah.
So I checked again and I am still in the mix for the county job. Just waiting. Waiting.
Living my life, but waiting.
At least all this inspection shit lit a fire under my ass and I have some energy. Sometimes you need bullshit to get you moving because bullshit stinks and you just want to get away from it, move past it…clean that shit up.
One thing that came out of the call last night is that I may be taking a cruise to Alaska. It’s a long story and it’s nowhere near for sure and I’d have to pay for my part but…Alaska.
If I went, I might be able to see my friend Milo, who I met in Colorado years ago.
If he’s by any of the places we’d be stopping.
I’d probably want to jump ship, run rampant into the wild and live with the bears.
Motherfuckers would keep me warm.
Gotta go.
Have a great day my friends.
Be Blessed.
Love & Light,
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