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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Didn’t Make the Cut

 Good Morning!

It feels to me like half the day has gone by. It really does. But it’s only 8:41AM. This saddens me.

However, the sun is shining bright. I slept 10 hours last night. The moon was full and that is why. 

What do I always say folks?

Well, if you don’t know, the 2 or 3 nights prior to a full moon, I don’t sleep. And then on the full moon, I sleep.

This has never failed.

It is one of my truths.

Pumpkin is doing well. She had two days of stress but luckily, was in places both days where she was well cared for.

I am beyond grateful.

I don’t think we’ll have to deal with this again for the duration of our lease.

I cannot believe that I am going to be moving again.

In all honesty, the places I look at, at least online, all will cost about the same. But because I am willing to downgrade, in terms of renovation, or physical beauty of the space, I will be able to get something with either 3 bedrooms or something with way more space.

I have good news and bad news about my current position.

The good news is that I have kicked righteous ass at this job. I almost at the point where I have accomplished everything she had for me.

I have been able to do this with little direction and tons of autonomy and ownership of what she asked me to do.

These are good things; these have built my self confidence up. These things are inspiring me to reach a bit higher, as far as job apps, pay, etc. as I search for something full time.

The bad news is that this position will probably end next week. Like she knows my situation and wants to help so she came up with some things I can do next week in addition to what she originally brought me on to  do.

But then I’m back to square one.

I have not heard about the other job, though I’m still in the running and if I don’t get it, I will get with the contracting company I’m currently with to see if they have another project for me. 

I still really hope that I get the job with the county. The ironic thing about not knowing, is that you still have hope to hold on to.

I am trying to tell myself, “you got this, they just haven’t called yet…”

I just want to know.

Oh. I just looked. I didn’t get it.

Ok, I need to take that in for a moment and sit in it.

I had so hoped.

Yes, going to sit in this for a moment and then I’ll be back.

Ok, I went and had a smoke. I just keep thinking of the dream I had about momma.

I am my center now. 

I need to cry a little bit but I can’t do so until 11 when I go on my break. My boss had wanted to connect me with a woman on LinkedIn who is sortof like a recruiter/headhunter. I will get her info and connect with her on LinkedIn. Then, I am going to ask my boss to put a review of me on LinkedIn. I already have two good ones. A more recent one will not hurt. I might even see if my former boss at the school district will write one as well.

This is not the end of the world.

My life can be amazing. 

My life is amazing and I just have to remember that.

I have to believe it, speak it, live it.

I will admit to being a bit lax about the job search stuff as I got comfortable here and also that interview with the county just went so well but here’s the thing; I never felt about that job that I was gonna get it. I did speak that to the Universe but I didn’t know, the way I knew we’d be OK with rent for January, and then the way I knew I was going to get this position and how I also knew I’d make rent and bills for February. 

I didn’t know it the way I knew those things just written.

It’s like there’s a sortof ESP if you will…when this happens, I know.

And I never felt that, though I wanted to and I tried to.


It’s not meant to be.

I have to believe there’s a reason for that. I’ll know the reason when I find my next landing and that landing may simply be another short rest before I take off again and fly about until the next pretty little flower reveals itself.

I’m Ok.

Bummed, but OK. Bummed is OK, we get to feel sad about things. But we should not get lost in that, we should not get overwhelmed by that, or make it more than it is. 

At the end of the day, the practicle thing to do is look at this practically. 

I didn’t get a job I interviewed for.

It’s nothing personal, I’m assuming there was someone who had experience more aligned with their needs.

This happens.

It’s not about me, the Universe is not out to get me, no one is conspiring against me and I am not a victim of life.

There you have it. Done. Bahda Bing, Bahda BOOM.

So let’s move on, shall we?

Yes, NEXT…

This is next but it goes back to not getting this job. There was one thing in the interview I felt I bombed; and that’s the, “do you have any questions for us” part. I only asked one. 

So. If that’s what my gut is telling me, then lets turn this into a learning opportunity, shall we?

Fuckin’ A right man.

Top 10 Questions:

1. What would my key priorities be in the first few months?

2. How would you describe the company culture?

3. What type of people are successful here?

4. What do you enjoy most about working here?

5. What is the company’s vision for the next three years and how could I contribute to it?

6. What are the company’s core values and how do they live up to them? If there was one thing you wanted to improve, what would it be?

7. What kind of tools/processes are in place to encourage collaborative working?

8. When successful employees have left this role, why do they leave and what have they gone on to do?

9. What do you believe is the one thing that’s central to the company’s success, that people outside the business wouldn't know?

And finally… the one question you should always finish on:

10. Now that you’ve met me, what do you see as being my biggest challenge in the role?

What this question allows you do to is gauge how you’ve come across, how much they like you and whether they have any reservations; this allows you to proactively address any concerns during the meeting. Unstated objections, which are often easily overcome during a meeting, can be the difference between whether or not you receive an offer.

Once all your questions have been answered it’s always good to wrap things up with a positive statement about your interest in the role, thanking everyone for their time and asking about the next steps in the process. Again this re-affirms you’re committed and interested. 



I coped that from the following website but I really liked it and this blog really is not supposed to be just for me, it’s supposed to be for sharing the journey and sharing what I think might help me and you.

10 Top Questions to ask a potential employer:

I think I may need to get a professional review of my resume as well. Obviously, I’m getting some bites but not as many as I’d like to believe I’m worth.

I think our time here for today, is done. 

My Gods, I am changing.

This is a good, good thing.

Have a great day.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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Good Morning, Is it? LOL, ah another doom and gloom blog. No. Not totally.  I'm sick. I felt it coming on yesterday. But this morning, I...