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Monday, January 13, 2025

Radical Acceptance


Hello and Good Morning,

Well. Yesterday wasn't good. I could barely get up off the couch. Right before I picked my daughter up from work last night, I got some things done and I made the mother of all lists for today. And I'm sticking to it.

I will never get anywhere with this on again, off again bullshit. 

I will say that yesterday's crash was in small part because I got in 4 hours of sleep. I ran out of the sleeping meds I take but I did manage to put almost 6.5 hours together last night. 

Yeah, I'm wearing my fitbit again. 

Giving up habits/addictions is so hard for me. I was thinking about it though. I did get rid of one that was so time consuming and that's the stupid game I played on my phone. It's been about 3 months so hey, that's progress.

I've already been up and at it this morning, jumping into all I want to accomplish. 

I ran over to my roommate's place this morning because I had called and texted yesterday with no response. I was worried. I called this morning as well because he generally doesn't work on Mondays. No answer but I also know that he has his chemo in the AM and he's an early bird. His car was in the garage but he wasn't there so at that point I texted his daughter and she assured me that all is well. He had inadvertently turned off his phone notifications but she got it all fixed for him. I'm gonna stop in and see him this morning after dropping my daughter off at work.

I am trying not to panic and trying to act as if. I am trying to have faith and hope and who knows if this manifesting stuff is bullshit or not but I thank the Universe every morning for our abundance and for winning the lottery. Hey, I would take that.

I'm trying to stay off my phone today other than keeping in touch with people. The California fires are just awful. It's not that I don't care, I do. It's just so sad and I pray that they get it under control soon and that no more lives, human or otherwise, are lost. 

But today has to be for gettin' 'er done.

My sister just texted me telling me about a dream she had. 

I am doing some of the DBT stuff on my own and today I'm working on radical acceptance, which means it truly is what it is. And just looking at everything, including my own shit and my impulses, etc. as non-emotionally as possible and telling myself when I'm bullshitting myself.

I went ice skating this weekend. It was so fun. I was with my son and his girl and it was just fun. I loved it. I want to go again but not today, way too cold.

Also, during the week, I don't think the rink by them opens to the public until 4:00PM.

Anyways, it was a good day.

Alright, well, I must go mop the kitchen floor, wash my face, etc.

Then on the next thing.

Have a great day.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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