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Saturday, December 7, 2024

Hilarious Ironies


Hi Guys,

I'm just trying to get a quickie in while cleaning and preparing for my daughter's party tonight. It should be really fun but even though I got a ton done yesterday, there is still much to do to make this place presentable.

Yesterday, I did get the filing project done. What a relief. Maybe though I should say I got part one done. All my normal, daily stuff is filed. I have to now go through all recipes for my products and make containers for each and label them.

That's what I am going to get started on today and pretty much just go through that until it's time to do my makeup and hair. 

Then the baking will begin. I'm only actually making sliders. I bought fruit and chips and dip and the cake. I just needed my life to be easy for this one.

Tomorrow, I'll clean which shouldn't be too bad because I plan on cleaning as I go today as well. 

But then it's finishing getting my supplies organized and making products. I can't start on the bathbombs until Monday so it's gonna be so nuts. 

I'll be at my son's again Monday and Tuesday with the pup but I plan to come home, eat and then work until 10 or so, clean up my mess and take a quick shower and go to bed. I don't sleep anyways so I might as well make the most of that too.

If I don't make rent for January, it'll actually be hilarious because I will have finally finished the unpacking and organizing by that time. 

I care but I don't have the energy to care today. My focus is on things within my control today. 

That's how you get through shit, keep your eye on what's directly in front of you.

I plan to do more job search at my son's house on Monday and Tuesday because I don't want to just be sitting around.

Ok, I better go get shit done. 

Thank you for stopping by.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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