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Sunday, December 8, 2024

Cans of Whoop Ass

Hey Everyone,

So, just chillin' today though that was not the intent. My daughter's party went great but I am wiped out. I ended up taking a nap after not getting anything done so now it's on.

I'll blog again in the morning even though this is in the evening. I'll let you know if I actually accomplish anything.

I have acclimated myself to the fact that if I want to achieve my goals, this week is going to be a cluster fuck. And there will be little sleep.

And there will be scheduling myself to the Nth degree.

And I suck at all of this.

But...we'll see what I got. I don't know what I'm made of because I never bothered to look.

I'm not gonna look this week either but I'm gonna dig deep and just see.

I was so happy for my girl. So many friends showed up for her yesterday. She needed that, she really needed that. We did begin a budget for her but I now have to write it all out and let me tell you, she was overwhelmed. She was really, really overwhelmed. We've both been spazzing out on each other and crying and saying we're sorry.

She needed yesterday. 

This morning I had a zoom call with 3 of my girls. I think I've mentioned this before, we do this monthly. I am usually so busy, I just can't stay on the call but I did today and oh my God, we laughed and laughed and we talked about some Debbie Downer shit too; death and how we want things to go down during our deaths and after. I really need to write it out for my kids. I need to pay for my cremation and shit too, ahead of time, so they don't have to. Yeah, Debbie Downer but good stuff, stuff I need to think about but the laughter far outweighed the heavy stuff. I needed that.

And now it's time to whoop some ass.

So, you know, I'm gonna go whoop some ass and I'll be back in the morning to let you all know what's up.

Cans of whoop ass all around me, gonna inhale that shit the way some people inhale...inhalents, lol.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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Good Morning, Is it? LOL, ah another doom and gloom blog. No. Not totally.  I'm sick. I felt it coming on yesterday. But this morning, I...