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Friday, November 8, 2024

Organized? Me? Nah.


Hello and Good Evening,

Geez, the last hour and a half has been a nightmare. But I'm at the end of it so I can laugh.

The word for the day, Miss Neecie, is ORGANIZATION.

I could not find my bathbomb molds anywhere. Went over to my former roomie's, not there. Came home, tore shit up, not there. Went through my car, not there. Went down to the storage locker, forgot my locker key, came back, grabbed it but then couldn't find my apartment keys which I just literally had because I needed them to get back in my apartment.

Tore more shit up, made an unholy mess, finally found them, then couldn't find the locker keys cuz I set them down when I couldn't find the apartment keys.

Well, I made it to the storage locker, both sets of keys in tow, found the molds. Made the bathbombs. They are just a plain pink but a beautiful pink.

I made some gorgeous soaps too. 

I'm about to start grinding sugar down into more of a powder consistency and will use this to make a sugar scrub.

The last thing on the list is a body butter.

That I will make tomorrow.

I stayed busy today. I woke up energized and more importantly, happy. My sister from another mister and anutha mutha were texting and I was doing voice texting and it changed your absolutely right to your absolute crap. I just about died so I texted her right back and said, "RIGHT, not CRAP". I was laughing so hard, like out loud guffaw laughing. It felt so good to laugh like that.

Oh my God.

Yeah and it was just running errands and making dinner for myself and getting ready for all these life changes and goals. 

My lunch was so filling, oh my God, it was hours ago and y'girl is still full.

I did 4 loads of laundry too.

Talked to my friend Tracy, we made plans to meet for breakfast Monday morning because she has a 4 day weekend.

I'm coming out from under this dark cloud I've existed under. 

You don't realize how stressed you are and how it's affected you until you are free.


Not much of a blog today, I'm just happy and excited.

So I'm gonna go and make an amazing ass sugar scrub and I shall be back tomorrow.

My frickin' keys are now in the little bowl I made that says, "Where The Fuck Are My Keys?"

Love you all to pieces.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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