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Saturday, November 30, 2024

Italian Roses


Good Morning,

How is everyone today? I keep thinking it's Monday but it's only Saturday. Two weeks until I have my show.

There is much to do.

And we all know how damn good I am at "much to do."

But I am not going to own that. I've been watching so many videos on acceptance and living in the present moment and finding your joy in just being. And speaking of the moment, I have a very cute, very big kitty playing with my hair.

So stepping out of the present and into yesterday for a brief moment. Yesterday was slow again but I did get some good things accomplished.

A day unwasted is a good thing. I know we all need our downtime, but when it goes on and on, it just leads to uncomfortable feelings; sadness, worthlessness, etc.

I thought at one point, that I was gonna do the pffftttt but somehow I rallied and was able to keep going. 

I called one of the residents where I used to work. She's Italian and her name is Rose so I call her my Italian Rose. She was so happy to hear from me and she told me a bit more about her family and told me about her Thanksgiving. 

We made a tentative date for me to come visit with her for an afternoon.

When we hung up she said, "I love you, Denise."

It just filled my heart up. The good thing about that job was those residents.

The job is no more and sorry, not sorry, I'm so grateful for that but those relationships are still there and I am also so grateful for that.

I am hoping to make another call someday today because when I go in, I'll want to see a couple different people.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that while it wasn't a knock it out of the park day, it was a good day. It was pretty steady going and it was good prep for today because today is when the organized chaos starts; I have two weeks to make a bunch of products, label and wrap them and announce the sale/show. There is a lot to do as a part of that, that entails a lot more than just making the products.

There is my daughter's birthday, which is this Tuesday. She is having a party on Saturday (next Saturday) so there is prepping for that.

You know, job search and all that in between.

My daughter doesn't work tomorrow so we are setting out all the Christmas stuff. I'm excited for that.

There are good things and I'm trying to focus on what I can do in this moment and the good things to come.

Last night, I tried something new. I went to bed without taking anything but I had a glass of water next to me and brought the meds into my room so that if I hit a no sleep spot, I could just reach over, take the meds and lay right back down.

I did wake up last night around 3:30 but I managed to get back to sleep all on my own.

6 hours and 58 minutes.

I cannot even begin to explain what a difference sleep makes for me. If you know, you know. I'm sorry for anyone who has to go through this shit. It's awful.

But for today, I am well rested. So it's important I take this energy and run with it but if I need a moment, I will take one. I cannot afford to burn out right now.

So that's what I have for you today. I hope your day is a good one!!

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


And...that's all I've got for you today.

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