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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Move


Hi Guys,

Wow. October already. Doesn’t seem possible.

Life is happening. The move mostly has happened.  We still have plenty over at my roommates. I am hoping with everything I have in me, that I will be fully out by end of day Thursday.

Why Thursday? I have the day off. I have to work on the weekend this weekend. Two half days Saturday and Sunday.  So I get one week day off and I chose Thursday. Well, I asked my boss what day would be best. Trying to be flexible here. She chose Thursday. And I acquiesced.

So. The apartment. I love it. I will love it even more once we are all settled in. It’s hard. I wish I would’ve had more time off. I would’ve taken a week off to just hit this. But that’s not how it is.

Acceptance of not only what is, but what I’m capable of is key here. But that said, tonight I’m going to get my bedroom as done as I can. If there is time, I will move on to the dining room.

I only need a few more things, you know, things I have to purchase and they are cheap things. Once that is all done and I put together this shit, I can finish up at my roommate’s place. Once that occurs, then I’ll be going over there each evening after work to clean the areas we used and then I will start making products.

I’ll be all set.

And there can be no more excuses.

As there have been in the past.

Today, on my lunch, I am going across the street to set up the internet.

Thank God.

Then we can at least watch TV, although I do not have um, the TV stand set up yet. It’s not set up because it hasn’t come yet.

The setup of the apartment is not 100% what I envisioned. I am almost 99% over that, but it still sucks. I have nowhere to put my supplies, I have nowhere to put my file cabinets, my computer will be setup in the dining room and I hate that but it is what it is. Once our lease is up, or anytime really, once we can afford a 3 bedroom, it’ll cost us an unrefundable $500.00 transfer fee and we’ll do that. But really, it’s going to be about a year anyways and I do not want a one day turn around time, I want to not have to pack to much. I just want to move everything as is.

Part of me thinks I should’ve just sucked it up and got the 3 bedroom. I mean, it is what it is. We’re not there. You all have probably noticed how I tend to plan way to far ahead. It seems to keep me out of the now. I am a dreamer. I am an air sign. I also have ADHD and only recently come to terms with the fact that reality is what we make it. It’s not meant to be our enemy.

I’ve lost weight in the short time I’ve been packing and moving. My dress pants this morning are much looser.

More money. Because I have literally nothing in winter clothes that fit me. I don’t want to have to order until I am under 157 pounds so I can order things a bit snug to ensure they’ll at least fit for a couple months.

I plan on going all out when I reach 136 so for now…meh.

Ok, so I had about 20 boxes of shoes that had to go into storage. They are so high I can’t believe I ever actually walked in them. I love them all. I am keeping them only until I hit 136 and then I’ll try. If I can no longer walk in them, so be it.

I  mean, other than that, we are here. We have arrived at the first of my goals and I’m OK with going hard to get it all done, giving myself a day or two to reflect and figure out Willow’s Whimsy and then jumping into that.

I want two things to happen with that in the next year; I want the loan paid off and I want enough to pay more than half on the new vehicle I want.

If nothing else, a girl can dream.

Dreams are free.

So I mean, that’s what I’ve got. I am grateful but I know I’ll be even more so once it’s all done.

My sister is amazing. My son inlaw is amazing and my youngest worked hard too. All of them helped me make this move happen.

I have good people in my life, people who care and who do the yucky stuff, not because they want to, but because they care about me.

This is everything.

On that note, y’all have a good day.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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