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Monday, September 2, 2024

Our Time Here is Limited

Hi Everyone,

Here I am at last. It's been a weekend and I did not accomplish anything I wanted to on Saturday, I had plans for Sunday, and today, I was gonna get up and hit it but the Universe had other plans. However, at 1:00 o'clock, I was so disgusted and pissed off about my weekend, that I made a list. Even with that list, it took me almost until 5 to get started but I've got more than half of it done already and of course, this blog is part of that. The only thing I have remaining to do that requires me to be on my feet is to make my food for tomorrow and also to grab my clothes out of the drier when they are done. One of the things on my list is to do a foot massage because holy hell do I need it after yesterday. So I'm doing that while I blog. Might as well multi-task if I can.

I went to the State Fair yesterday. Holy hell. It was the second largest crowd ever to attend the State Fair and that makes sense because it was packed. Never again. I was not miserable because it wasn't too hot and I was with my sister and my daughter and we made it fun. I wore the wrong fucking shoes and I paid. I was amazed though because my sister offered me her shoes for awhile and that was like walking on air. 

It really was a good day.

But my feets are paying and I went on a walk today and did my ab workout but I also took a deep soak in epsom salts and gave myself a pedicure which included a long, hot soak in eucalyptus and peppermint.


I made my step count today. Woot muthafuckin' woot.

One of the other things I need to do tonight is to make a list for tomorrow. I'm just simply not going to stop all day until an hour before bed. I'm going to get a book a friend of mine recommended and it's just pure relaxing and reading for that last hour. I also will most likely be blogging in the evenings now. I have so much to do; pack for the move, get ready for my big Willow's Whimsy debut, start shooting my YouTube videos again...yikes.

My friend, my dear friend Erin, lost a friend of hers last night. She was killed by a drunk in a car at work. He ran into the patio portion of the restaurant they all work in. It is only sheer luck that my friend and her daughter were not working last night. This beautiful young woman, who is a mother to 3 lost her life because of some stupid fuck who cares more about his addiction than anything else. Yes, ironic I know, considering that I too am an addict. It is only sheer luck that I never killed anyone, although I did take a lot of cars at bars. But thankfully, no one was in them. 

So how can I judge this guy? I'm trying not to but he killed people. Two people are dead and 3 are in the hospital.

My friend is beside herself. In addition to being good friends with this girl, they worked together and live in the same apartment building, one on top of the other. 

I'm heartbroken, I'm sick. I'm so worried about my friend.

But it made me realize that our time here is limited and there is no guarantee as to when we go. I need to do it all, I need to keep going with time in between for play, so that at least if I die earlier than anticipated, people can say I was trying. Like, I was finally working towards my goals.

I'm strapped for remaining time on my list so I'm going to sign off for now. I'll be back tomorrow night.

Please sleep well. 

Be Safe. 

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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