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Thursday, October 17, 2024

I'm Feeling Manageable

 Hello again,

Going for a twofer today. Like I mentioned in this morning's blog, I am struggling. I decided to post this as I go. Simply because perhaps it will hold me accountable and there is joy in sharing that I managed to get things done.

So the first thing I'm doing is fun. I'm going to place an order on Shein for clothes and boots. I have very little winter attire that fits. It's all too big. 

The size I'm getting will be snug but my hope is that perhaps I won't have to buy anything again until my goal is achieved. Yes, things will be big on me at that point, but I will have a couple sales behind me at that point and perhaps will be better prepared to afford new clothes.

I can't wait. But for now, the joy of shopping.

Well that was fun. I'll be set for the cold stuff. I don't have a winter coat but I'll figure that out. Ok, now it's putting everything in this apartment, away.

Ok, I finished the kitchen...again. I'm going to have to "finish the kitchen" a couple times. I'm full to the brim and none of my pots and pans are here yet.

I gave myself an hour for this big "put away" but I fear it will go longer.

Whatever. Gotta get this done. I am taking a break to meditate and tell myself that, you know, I'm Denise motherfuckin' Johnson and I got this shit. Next is putting some things in storage and working on the dining room. 

Right now, I am full of anxiety but in "doing", I am hoping this will naturally fade away.

Well! The dining room is done as well as the hallway leading to the living room. I make it sound so big but I assure you, it's anything but...

I had to get rid of coffee mugs. You know, you try to keep the ones with meaning. Some of them were mom's but I do have her pretty teacups and tea dishes out so I think she'd understand. She was lovely that way and very humble.

So the last thing to do is to attempt a "put away" of the bedroom. I ordered a simple jewelry box for my stuff so I gotta get that in there. It's not the kind of jewelry box I wanted but it does have more room and I'll be going through everything as I unpack it so hopefully, I'll be able to downsize that a bit too.

Not as full of anxiety now. 

I'll worry about all the shit to come from my roommate's place later.

Ok, the dining room and living room are done. There is a big space behind the couch where "stuff", mostly Willow's Whimsy stuff is. One of my coworkers had a great idea, he suggested that I get black or gray bins so at least they match everything else. So...that's what I'm going to do.

Ah, the day just got away from me and I didn't get my list done but I made huge progress. So after the prior paragraph, I took out some garbage, unpacked a box in my room and then my youngest and I went to meet my sister at my former roomie's place. We got the two deck chairs, the big file cabinet, some little things, some of my daughter's things and my computer chair packed up. We went out to lunch and then came back and brought everything up and it's all put away.

My sis. That girl. She bought me a cabinet to put in the dining room. It will hold all my pots and pans. If there's room, I can put canned goods and baking items (flour, sugar, etc.) in it. If not, I might just order another one.

She made a good point, my sister. Even if there are tons of cabinets and furniture, at least everything will have it's place and be hidden from view. Annnnnnd it saves me some open wall space, meaning I won't have to worry about finding prints to hang up. I do know that I want a framed picture of Munster, Ireland over my computer. That's where the Irish side of our family tree hail from. On the wall above the couch, I'd like a pretty print, lots of color since most of my furniture is one shade of gray or another and two matching candle sconces.

Oh my god, then I'd be done. It's too damn good to be true.

Yeah, but sissy...she's a special person. And not because she bought me a cabinet. It fits into why she's special because she's giving but she's a good person, she's thoughtful. She cares. 

So tonight is the first night I've really felt like this apartment is our home. so much is done but you know what's not done? The dishes. So I am currently typing away while giving myself a facial. I'm gonna knock those dishes out, take a shower, get my clothes ready for the morning and have all my skincare stuff out and ready to go.

Why? Because my crazy ass is gonna get up and 5 and go right into work. I've had two days off and I need to leave by 2 tomorrow. I had wanted to leave by noon but that might be pushing it so I will leave at 2. If I get to work by 5:30, then 2 would make it 8 hours with a half hour taken for lunch. I can get a lot done in the hours before my coworkers start arriving.

Why am I leaving early? Well becauuuuuusssssse! It's sistahbelle's birthday tomorrow. We're gonna go out to eat and then see a movie and then we'll figure out the rest of our weekend and see what that will look like.

So as far as the apartment, I am going to do the dishes tonight, take a shower, organize my jewelry and go to bed.

I probably will be too tired to do anything tomorrow night. And busy this weekend, but there may be moments where I can do some things and pick up some things. I'm just not going to overwhelm myself, I can do little pickups, little loads so that it continues to feel manageable. It feels manageable right now but I need to stay on top of things.

Ok, so yeah, good damn day!

And no anxiety whatsoever.

I hope your day was a good one too.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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I'm Feeling Manageable

 Hello again, Going for a twofer today. Like I mentioned in this morning's blog, I am struggling. I decided to post this as I go. Simply...