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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Funky Juice


Hi Everyone,

Good Morning. It's Saturday. I felt the need to tell you that in case you didn't know. Oh my God, man, life has me busy and last night was the first night I actually put some sleep together, almost 7 hours. I'm bummed because the heat is coming back but I'll live.

I think today will still be temperate but after that, it's on as far out as the forecast goes. Meh.

My sweet Grey is sitting on my lap, demanding a purr session. I love that she trusts me. She'll let my daughter pet her but with me, she'll let me pick the crusties out of her eyes and get anything sticking to her coat. She loves her Momma.

I almost ended up rocking her world again. A couple where I work were moved down to memory care and the family was going to surrender her to the Humane Society. Unfortunately, as much as I believe in the work they do, they are not a no kill shelter. And so I said I'd find someone for this little girl. I've met the cat, she's darling and got a lovely personality. But you know, I have 3 cats, we can only have two where we live. So I'm already going into my apartment breaking the rules...but 4? I have called all the rescues and they said that I have to fill out a form, have them do her vetting, then wait to find a foster to take her. I get that they have a process but this girl had nowhere to go. She's staying with family and they don't want her. 

Long story short, a dear, dear friend who just loves her kitties so much, agreed to take her permanently. I am so relieved. Because you all know I would've taken her, and I would've fallen in love with her. So Monday, I need to go get her and drive her out to my friends house.

Two weeks from today, I am going into work, picking up a resident, driving him 3 hours to his daughter's wedding, hanging out long enough for him to eat dinner and then driving him back. I wanted to do this because it's the right thing to do. I'm not going to share this families personal business but his wife, she wanted to be with her daughter and share all the moments and it wouldn't have been possible with her hubby there and with his needs. 

But she is paying me. She insisted. I'm not going to say how much, but it is incredibly generous and with the move coming up, I need as much as I can get. All this and trying to make product.

Today, I have to order supplies to finish out what I want to make for the "debut".

I paid all my credit cards off this morning. I'm going to get furniture today. I got some things last night. I'm going to see what's out there for dining room sets but I'm also willing to look on Marketplace for what I want. I'm not as picky about that. I just want a couch someone else's funky juices might've gotten on or foot germs....ewwwww.

Yeah, I have a fucking list. You called it.

But I'm running out of time and I'm just so bad at managing what little time I have, that...there has to be a willingness on my part to make the effort and I suck at effort. But here we go. I also have a call planned with someone close to me. Tomorrow is nuts; rollerskating, going out to Pagan Pride for a bit, going into work for Grandparents Day, helping out for a couple hours and then home to prepare for my week. It kindof makes me want to cry but my's up to me. 

Alright loves, I'm out.

I will be back tomorrow AM and will let you know if today was indeed, a productive one as I am hoping it will be.

Have a good one.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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