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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Controlling, Invasive Insanity


Hi Everyone,

And good morning! Once again, I don't wanna adult. I didn't sleep. I mean, I did go get some edibles and these ones I actually really like. They weren't strong enough to get me to sleep so I ended up a little bit high but it was a relaxing high. These ones come with a mix of CBD and some other stuff too. As soon as I'm done writing, I am going to call in my daughter's hydroxyzine prescription. The stuff isn't that expensive and I did what I wanted to which was to clean my system out so yeah...back to the edibles and hydroxyzine. I think I'm gonna 3 months on sleep meds and one month off. I do better when I drink the CALM stuff too. So it'll be a whole thing but now with the apartment and Willow's Whimsy and working full time, I need my sleep. I so need my sleep.

Yesterday, after work, I went to my daughter's place of work to go in and change some things up with her accounts. Much of her social media has old emails that we don't even have the addresses too. And we went in to change to her passwords and do a security check, and her password is now linked to a What's App account that isn't hers on FB.

I have permission to blog about this. My daughter was in a 4 year relationship. And my daughter...she knows her part in things. I am not going into a he did this and she did that tangent. But to sum it all up, I've always said that when the pain of staying in a relationship exceeds the pain of leaving one, then you'll know it's time, and that's what happened here. So many lies, so many things he got caught in, accusing her of shit she didn't do. It was too much. 

She spent the last 6 months of the relationship trying to set up breaks, you know where they could think about things, do their own thing and then come back and talk but she would waver on that and miss him and so finally she did set a time frame and stuck to it, she saw him for his birthday and their 4 year anniversary but he just kept accusing her of bizarre shit and so she ended it. Permanently. I think because she had wavered before, he didn't take it seriously. But she has stuck to it except that she has unblocked him a few times and she did spaz on him about some posts we all saw. I deleted him because I would see this stuff and hurt for her. But she hasn't seen him, she hasn't given him any kind of encouragement in terms of getting back together. She's done. It's over. 

He came over here to see the cat that we got from his brother's girlfriend. My daughter had a bag of his clothes which were upstairs in her room. He followed me up there when I went to get it and I told him to go back downstairs while I went to the bathroom and then I'd take him home. 

My daughter noticed her purse was missing that night. It wasn't anywhere and she hadn't been out. She didn't bring it to work that night, she left it at I can't say for sure, but...I think when I went to the bathroom, he stuffed it in his pants. Not for sure, it just seems kind of ironic. She had to get a new license, new credit cards, new checking and savings, it was unfucking real.

So it's been two months and she's been working a lot, spending time with friends. She started talking to a guy she new in school and they hung out. All of their communication was on SnapChat which is private. She gets a message from her ex saying, "I know you hung out at some dude's spot. I wish you would've told me, it would've hurt less." 

Explain to me why she should've told him? They are broken up and she's stuck to that. It'd been two months. She told him if you saw some chick, it wouldn't be any of my business. We're not together.

But then we started thinking. how the fuck did he know that? And I did a deep dive last night into all her social media and we found logins that weren't hers and her facebook has a What's App attached to it that she never set up and we need that to change her password.

He's totally all up in her shit. This is unbelievable. So we did set up a new email for her and we put really tight restraints on her old one, two factor authentication and all that shit. But she's going to have to create all new accounts for everything; Instagram, SnapChat, Facebook.

This girl has really tried the last few years and it seemed like the better she got, the worse he got. It's been like watching an impending train wreck. It's so sad but he has no interest in getting help.

And again, my kiddo isn't perfect, nor does she claim to be but I'm her mom. We are very, very close and I have seen the progress.

She's had the same job for over 3 years, she's becoming more aware of her spending and she's stuck with her therapy. I'm very, very proud of her.

We got our own place, we move a month from today. She's going to be paying rent and part of the bills. She's adulting.

She does not need nor does she deserve to have her social media hacked and taken over. We are going to be contacting each of the apps; facebook, instagram, etc. and seeing if we can get her stuff back and remove the shit he did and start over with this new email and security info. 

Just let it be over. She didn't break up with him because she no longer loved him, she broke up with him because she couldn't take the accusations and just psycho shit anymore. 

My girl takes accountability for what she did wrong in that relationship but he never took any. I gave him money to get his car out of impound and he hasn't bothered to pay me back. Truth be told, I kindof knew when I did this, that he wouldn't but...people helped me. It was lie after lie after lie. And she kept catching him and when confronted, it was more lies or denial, never any accountability and now he's pulling this shit.

We are not sure what to do, I guess we'll assess after we find out if any of the apps can help us get her shit back what to do from here. She may end up having to file a restraining order against him. We are truly hoping it doesn't come to that. No one hates him but if he ever loved her, he should let her go. His behavior, while it gets her attention, is only further cementing her decision to leave him, is only diminishing any love she still had for him.

So yeah, added stress for us both. 

Today I have to go into training about an hour away. I don't want to do this.

Oh well...I better go get ready.

I hope you all have a good day.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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