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Monday, January 20, 2025



Good Morning,

How are all of you? I hope you are well.

This is my first "Monday" in a couple of months.

I am excited and nervous. I was so hoping I would be past this cold but it has morphed overnight. It has gone from a sore throat and light headedness to my chest and ears.

Luckily, since getting up and moving around, it's better. I took a Tylenol for the ear pain and I'll be drinking "THE TEA" in a moment. Right now, I'm working on my coffee.

I also take cold medicine, like for coughing. It's elderberry syrup with propolis. 

As I'm blogging, I have the chair massage thingee that my daughter got me, on. They say massage can help keep all the "gunk" you build up when you have a cold, loosened up. I will try anything. That's how the tea evolved over time and I really should've been drinking it since I got sick but I was lazy. Some of the ingredients, you can have before hand but it also requires fresh lemons, garlic and ginger. 

Anyways, I also took a bath in rosemary, eucalyptus and peppermint last night as that helps with breathing. I don't have time to take a bath every night so at some point, depending on how this progresses, I am going to make some steamer bombs. They are like a bathbomb but you set them down under the flow of water and they slowly dissapate and you breath all the stuff in. For these, I use the same mentioned above plus camphor.

If it was tomorrow, I'd already be leaving so I have locked it down to the following in the mornings; get up, pee, drink water, skincare, meditate, feed the cats, clean the boxes, get dressed, put on minimal makeup. The makeup thing is only because I want to look human and it makes me feel better to do it. But it's very simple. Tinted SPF, mascara, blush and lip gloss.

I won't be doing anything spectacular with my hair either. Just making sure it looks presentable which in reality involves dragging a brush through it.

My evenings will be much busier. Exercise of some sort, preparing food and water for the next day, cleaning one thing, making products as I move forward into that, journaling, showering, etc.

My biggest thing is to learn that if I can't do it all, it's OK. 9PM bedtime is non-negotiable. My daughter will be ubering to and from work most nights. I will help out on the weekends, although, for the most part, I want to try and stick to the 9PM bedtime so that my body knows what to expect and behaves accordingly.

I had a dream and this particular dream has been a recurring one, although in different formats, for years. I'll rent a place or move in to a place and as I investigate it, I find several other rooms. These rooms are almost always dingy and uncared for.

Rooms tend to represent hidden parts of ourselves and the condition of the rooms sortof tells you the meaning behind them. In my case, they represent parts of myself I try to repress or not look at and that makes sense doesn't it?

As I go into this new job, I am also trying to leave behind old habits; some physical, some emotional, some financial and it's scary but it'll be good.

I can do it.

Pumpkin is my lifeline in the mornings. That "little" cat, she is so huge. When I get up in the morning, the first thing I usually do is to go to the bathroom. She comes in and rubs against my legs and I pet her. Then she runs out to the dining room table and jumps up on it and waits for me to come into the dining room. Then we do a gentle headbutt and say hello to one another. Then I feed her, then she leaves me alone, lol. I got what I wanted from you lady, I'm good.

But it does help set a tone for the day.

Ok, well, I have laundry going. I have several things I need to do before leaving at 9AM. I want to be ready for this. And I want to be ready for this evening. I have a list but tonight is about seeing what I can fit in and still be able to get in bed by 8:30 and read til 9 so that my body knows it's time.

I will be blogging tomorrow night as opposed to in the morning. If I feel so inclined, I'll blog tonight just to let you know how it goes.

I hope you all have a great day.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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