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Saturday, January 4, 2025

No Such Thing as Blind Luck

 Hi Everyone,

Ok, Saturday and it's gonna be a busy one. I want to get a lot in. For the next two hours, I'm working on a project. I want it done in 2 hours and that may be pushing it but whatever.

Shower, makeup, all that.

Wrap gifts.

Make dinner.

In that time frame, I also need to count out my remaining products and add up the cost, because someone offered to buy the rest of my inventory from me to help out.

Holy shit.

I am getting taken care of. I was even able to pay a bill today. This is a miracle. This is not blind luck. This is intervention from beyond. 

I believe that.

Also, I was given two gift cards that will allow me to stock up on household necessities like toilet paper, paper towels, laundry detergent, etc.

As I'm sure you know, that stuff adds up.

I'm very, very grateful.

But I won't do that shop today, I'll do it tomorrow.

I met with a dear friend of mine yesterday. I have challenged myself to meet up at least once with every friend on my FB. There are some out of towners and I will have to do FaceTime's with them and screen shot it because I created an album just for this challenge. One picture of each person and myself.

So yeah, I got that picture up. It was so good to see her. She too, has been experiencing divine intervention. We had a great time catching up. She is absolutely lovely and it made my whole day.

Tomorrow I go to see my friend Emmie. It's always too long in between.


Family Christmas tonight.

I am very much looking forward to it and that is why I must leave you my dear friends.

SO much to do today.

Be Blessed.

Know that you are loved and not alone.

Love & Light,


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