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Sunday, January 5, 2025

Happy Light


Good Morning,

And it is. The sun has been shining here in MN, although the temps plummeted. I just wish we'd get some snow to go with it.

Ah well, I have not figured out how to control the weather as of yet so we'll just is what it is.

I am grateful for the sunshine.

I had a very good day yesterday.

I paced myself, I had to push a little but I didn't stress at all and I had dinner made by the time my family arrived for our Christmas celebration.

The food was good, we were good. I didn't say anything but I took a moment to drink it all in, our little family. We're a good one. We're funny. We care about each other and it shows in how we talk to one another, how we listen, the gifts that were exchanged and the plans for the future.

Next Saturday, my son and his girl and I, possibly my sister, are going to go ice skating outside at this place I've wanted to skate at for quite a few years now.

My sister and I are hopefully going to see a movie we both want to see later in the week.

Today I am going rollerskating, then out to visit with my friend Emmie and then drop off some products. You know...about the products. A friend of mine told me that God told her to buy the rest of my products, my remaining inventory. 

So I added everything up and she venmoed me and I'm dropping everything off after I visit with my other friend.

You guys, yeah, things are tight but so far, I have managed to pay all my bills and have food.

I question nothing and my attitude now is...we're good. We will be good and all is well.

No more doubt and fear, just the assumption that we will make it through this.

And taking the actions in life to back that up.


There are some dishes needing to be put away, some dishes still needing to be washed and my bedroom blew up again but other than that, this is how I will spend my day. Tomorrow will be busy but I'm learning that as long as I pace myself, gently push myself when needed, that I'm good.

My sister of the heart sent me a Happy Light and I haven't used it yet and we were texting this morning and she asked about it and I told her I haven't had time and then she goes, "Oh my God, look at the facebook comment on the post you put up this morning." So I look and one of my friends had commented that he's been using a Happy Light and that it's helping.

Man, there are no coincidences.

And I was thinking too, earlier, about Janis Joplin; if you got it today, don't wear it tomorrow. I've been trying to do something with my hair everyday and to wear makeup, even if it's just mascara and blush and to get dressed in actual clothes, not just sweats. It makes a difference, these little changes will lead to the big ones.

I'm tellin' ya, the Universe, God, Goddess, Spirit in the Sky, the Knowing, the Consciousness, it's got my back!

I'm grateful for everything and everyone right now and now...I gotta go have this day.

I'll be back, as always.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light (Happy Light),


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