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Friday, January 17, 2025

Lessons Learned


Hi Guys,

I am on limited time availability this morning. 

Maybe today is the day things start to change. I don't know. I mean, I've been working hard but I need the Universe to amp up it's beautiful care for me.

We shall see.

I have been realizing that there is so much that needs to change and I just wish my MA would hurry up and get approved as I need to get in and I need to get therapy so I can start working through my "stuff".

I'm ready.

I do know that I was declined for the part time position I applied for with Anoka County.

I didn't know it was part time going into it so that's...that's sad but it doesn't deter me.

My past is coming up to haunt me and I see now, I mean I see but I know it in my heart too, that my past is affecting my ability to be considered for work and it saddens me that it has taken this situation to get me to really assimilate all of this.

I am trying to see the sunny side, which is that I am seeing it at all. 

I am seeing how it has affected my loved ones, you know, I am seeing that I drove this train, not the bad employers, not the unfair employers, not the good ones either because the bottom line is that while yes, I have had some awful experiences with awful human beings, I have some jobs where there was no excuse whatsoever, no way of justifying any of my decisions or actions because I had amazing bosses, I had phenomenal support and encouragement.

There were two outstanding ones and a handful of really great ones; yeah, the rest of them sucked but at the end of the day, so did I.

Oh my God, remember Dr. Fartzalot? Not his real name...I lasted at that job for 2 days. He was NUTS. I've had some doozies and I hope to write about that one day, a whole book and every boss I've ever had. Because some of them...oh my God, you guys. But again, at the end of the day, I brought myself into all these situations as well. And if I do ever write about that, I will make sure to include that part of things in said book and use it as a reflection of what not to do. Tongue in cheek but also like...hey, I fucked up some opportunities, I cost employers money in having to train someone else. I hurt feelings and caused chaos.

Should I even be writing all this? The email I use for job search is a relatively new one and is not connected in anyway to this blog.

And of course, I use Neecie but I have to be careful who I tell about Willow's Whimsy. Well. No. I don't tell anyone I work for or with, about Willow's Whimsy because it's none of their business and that's one thing I have to get away from. WW needs to be a stand alone and be 100% separate from my day job.

That's another lesson learned.

So today, more job search. Today I have to clean up the kitchen because like I wrote recently, this apartment is so little, it literally blows up so fast and I had it all done, ya know, just two days ago and here we are.

My girl has been very, very sick. She's better today but still low grade fever with no energy.

And I finally got to see my friend Rose yesterday. She's over her Covid but because I've been exposed to whatever my daughter has so brought her her meds which she had asked me to pick up but with a mask and gloves on.

I have to cut this short. I may do a toofer today, we shall see.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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