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Friday, January 24, 2025

Genuine Like


Hi Guys,

Well. First week in the bag. It wasn't a bad week. I felt very good about the fact that I was not late one day, I was able to do everything she asked me to do.

When I say she, I of course, am talking about my boss. There's a whole story there. Don't get me wrong, I genuinely like her. We just all have a story. She's lovely. I don't know if she's happy. She doesn't act unhappy and she's not mean at all. The little empath who sticks her head out often came out to play today. I just sometimes know things about people, read deeper than what their words say.

I'm not saying anything bad about her. I feel a hurt coming from her. And it's deep. Even though she's tough.

I really shouldn't say anything about my boss at all. I have a feeling she will be in my life after this job. And at that point, she will know everything, she will know about my blog, my life, my dreams, she will know all of these things and the last thing I want is for her to read a blog where I say something that could potentially bother her.

And of course, I will never out her, name her, name the company I am temping for.

But an overwhelming sadness came over me today as I sat in her office and I realized it wasn't my sadness. I'm sad now, as I write this, because it is sad to feel sadness, even when it doesn't belong to me.

But you guys, I had a good week. I was left mostly to myself, given a point of direction and I ran with it. And I can't help but feel relieved that my instincts were right, that she was appreciative of all I did. That's just rare for me. It's so rare. It feels really good and I am so grateful.

Now. Guess what? I got an interview with the county. It's an admin job. I want it. Of course, you know, I was a little worried about this because I took this temp position. But they aren't even interviewing until next week, then there may be 2nd interviews, then they have to make a choice and then I think it likely that they would respect my wanting to give two weeks notice.

And you know what? Truth be told, I can get everything my current boss wants done, done early. I can do that.

So I really believe that were I to get this job, I could end the current one on a positive note.

So after I write this blog, I am going to go schedule the interview and then that will be that. The rest is up to my mom. Yeah, I said my mom. Cuz she's running my show from heaven. I know she is. She's with God. And she still loves me and y'all can patronize me and say, "OK Denise, that's great" but she is.

I will be a year older tomorrow. I will see my family and spend it with them. I am so happy. 

My brother in law, his bday is today. We had some texts, he will be unable to join us tomorrow night, which makes me sad but I understand why.

Next Friday, I will have to make arrangements for one of the cats as there are building inspections going on. We have one more cat than we are allowed to have.

I am at heart, and always will be, a rule breaker.

Life is so boring with rules...

They say they are made to be broken and so...who am I not to?

It's a cat. It's not like I'm out there robbing banks.

Alright well, I have much to do tonight. So let's get on that, shall we?

I hope you all have a great night.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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