My daughter is getting ready for work so I thought, "Ok, good time to get in a quickie post."
Yesterday was good. I got some things done before my sis came over. We ate, my daughter was off so we all just sortof talked. Then my sister and I went and saw The Last Showgirl with Pam Anderson. My sister couldn't decide if she was overacting in some parts or if she's just that excellent of an actor.
I have always loved her. She never seemed mean. She never seemed full of herself.
There was a line in the movie, towards the end that really stuck with my sister and it was just so...true.
I won't give any spoilers, there's no huge climax at the end.
I thought it was a very good movie, I thought she did a great job. Jamie Lee Curtis was in it and she had me dying. That woman puts everything into a performance. She gives no fucks.
But it really rang true, the parts about aging out of certain things. What it's like to be young and not fully comprehend what happens to us physically and emotionally as we age.
I know it can be hard on men but I gotta tell ya, as per the norm, women have it worse. We just do. I'll either write about those things or do a video on them soon.
Today, I'm doing job search and doing some of the "meeting myself" stuff.
And I'm going to call Anoka County to see about my medical assistance app. I need to get the meds already and I need to get in for a checkup, etc.
There isn't to much to say.
Panic serves no purpose.
I will get a job, we will be OK.
It's written in the stars, I know it is.
So there you have it.
I hope you all have a great day.
Be Blessed.
Love & Light,
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