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Tuesday, December 10, 2024



Good Morning,

I hope this post finds you well.

I had a fairly productive night last night. I left my son's place and was headed over to my roommate's to pick up a package and my phone rang. It was a good friend of mine. She had had a bad experience and was really upset. So I talked to her for a bit, then I picked up my package and got an update on what my roommate's prognosis is. He has cancer and is beginning the prep for what he'll be going through. Then I ran home, picked up my daughter and got her to work.

On the way home, my friend called me again and she needed some help. So we came up with a plan, I went home real quick and made some lippy scrubs and then I drove out and picked her up, while talking to my other daughter and getting up to speed with what's going on in her life. I drove my friend out to St. Paul and you know what she did for me? She filled my tank up, it was almost on E and she bought me a pack of smokes. I'm so grateful for that right now.

I grabbed something to eat on the way home and ate. I was exhausted but I had to stay up so I could pick my daughter up from work. I went to bed as soon as we got home.

Pumpkin likes to get love from me around 4AM so I got woken up for that but I did go back to sleep for a little while and now I'm at my son's again.

I managed to apply for one job yesterday. My computer battery is almost dead so I'll go until it dies this morning and that'll be that.

My son and his girl found someone to watch the pup tomorrow and that helps a LOT. So tomorrow and Thursday will be about making all my products, getting the info out to people for the show and typing all labels and wrapping and all of that.

I'll do some job search too. 


I'm tired.

But I'm OK or at least I seem to be. 

It doesn't help that I cry everytime I look at Trout. This is so sad.

My Grey is 15 and a half!

I just hope she maintains, she was never a big cat but she's gotten so tiny. Yet, she still tears around the apartment from time to time. She asks for cuddles and love. What has changed is that she is now willing to accept love from my daughter and is sleeping all over the apartment as opposed to my bed, which is still her sleep spot of preference but she's liking being where we are.

I need to get a print of her paw as I'll be getting it tattooed on me.

I just sat with him now. We had a good talk. I cried. I try not to because I don't want to upset him but I told him all the good stuff. How much he's meant to us, how grateful I am that my son had him and how he's been there for both of them.

So, it's been just over an hour since I wrote that last paragraph. He went into crisis. I cared for him and called my son and my son came home. The immediate crisis passed. My son and him are so bonded. My son was able to get him to lay down.

That beautiful boy, both of them, and my son's girlfriend, my heart. Oh man, my heart.

I did not expect to have the whole day so I'm going to take a bit of time by myself to just be present and allow myself to sit in my grief and then I'll start making products.

This is so sad.

I think maybe a nap first. I know I have things to do but I also think I'm just so tired. A nap may help calm my saddened mind.

Hug your loved ones, both human and fur. Time is just so precious. You want every single second.

Take them, those seconds, they matter. They will matter more after the loss has occurred. 


Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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Good Morning, Is it? LOL, ah another doom and gloom blog. No. Not totally.  I'm sick. I felt it coming on yesterday. But this morning, I...