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Thursday, January 2, 2025

Turning My Face Up


Good Morning,

So. Yesterday was OK, but it was weird, not necessarily in a bad way, but lots of interruptions and I'm sure if you forced me to recollect, I could name some things I got done. Oh, I did manage to clean the kitchen. So there's that.

I have already done a ton today, got an interview for tomorrow and one for Monday so things are coming together.

But I have much to do today and tomorrow. I just want my apartment clean so I really can make an effort to start staying on top of this.

I'm relieved that my daughter doesn't work today because it means no interruption to my flow. For the most part, I don't mind driving her, it's a me thing. When I'm on a roll, I just want to keep going. Because of the easily distracted thing, ya know?

But I am getting things done today. More than I thought I would. I am pacing myself so I don't get all worked up. I won't sleep tonight if I let myself get too heightened.

I mean, I'm nuts. I'm really, really nuts, turns out that's true.

I'll take it though.

I like my nutty ass self.

It's my Auntie's birthday today, my beautiful Tina. I always tell this story but I am a creature of repetition if nothing else, I thought she was Snow White when I was little because she had this long black hair, and Irish white skin and was so beautiful. She's still my Snow White. It was good to talk to her.

So I did want to just get on here and say that I'm still trying to work on all the good that has happened in the past few days, working to manifest more of the same.

Abundance muthafuckas. 

I'm going to go make more abundance.

I hope you all have a great day. 

By the Gods, the sun is shining today so...gonna turn my face up to it and receive it.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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