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Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Good Morning :)

How is everyone today? I hope this post finds you well. 

As for myself, I'm just kindof bla. I seem to be depressed. Depression is so weird. Sometimes, it's the sad, crying kind of depression and I did have that this morning and sometimes it's energy, no motivation, no nothin'.

The weather has been everywhere. But it's the heat that's killing me. It hasn't been steady, there have been breaks in it but holy Lord, it has been affecting my sleep. We do have a full moon and the Solstice coming up, both which majorly affect my sleep. So odds are I have another few nights of not enough sleep.

But today, I at least have been getting some things done; I meditated, I took my bougie bath, I pooped 5 flippin' times, on my second load of laundry, cleaned out the cat boxes, got the dishes rinsed and in the dishwasher, threw all the cig butts out and into the garbage for tomorrow (garbage day).

The key for me, at least one of them, is to not give the sadness and low motivation any energy. Like, it happens and it doesn't always have to be evaluated. If it was ongoing, then yeah, evaluate away but I know myself and I generally cycle through this shit relatively quickly.

Just, yeah, I try not to give it any power. 

Oh, I also scheduled another interview. I had one yesterday and it went very well, I'm still waiting to hear back on that one.

I'm ambivalent about it at this point. I want a job, but I can't sit here and agonize over it, ya know? I just can't. And so...I go on with my day. Every day. Shower, rinse, repeat.

And when fun things, or happy things, happen, I make a note to keep it in my heart and store the memory for when I need it.

I drove my son out to pick up his car as it was in for repairs and that kid, he had me laughing so hard, my abs hurt today. If only I could have a good dose of him everyday. Laughter just makes everything so much better, it takes the weight things don't seem as heavy. 

And my youngest is going through some hard stuff. She had to make a hard decision and she made it knowing that it's final. Letting go of something that is hurtful isn't always easy, there's loss and grieving but when something hurts more to keep going, than to be without it, and you've done everything you can to try and make it better on your part, then it's time to say goodbye to it. Like I said, while there is relief, there is also loss and that's what she's experiencing so I am trying to be there for her and just let her know she's loved. And she is, very much.

Oh! I won something! I belong to Tati Westbrook's subscriber email (she's a very successful YouTuber) and I got an email saying I had won the Viori giveaway and that I didn't have to do anything, that my package was on it's way. I was skeptical. But...yeah, I received it the day before yesterday. It's a shampoo bar and a conditioner bar and it came in this beautiful bamboo holder. I tried the products out this morning after bougie bath and they are fantastic. I usually don't win things so this was a pleasant and much needed surprise.

I'm a Winner! LOL!!

On that note, I'm outta here.

I hope you all have a great day. Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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  Hi Everyone, You know what? Let's call a spade a spade. I have just been so crabby and so tired lately.  I don't want  this to be ...