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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Patience Pays


Good Morning!

So very quiet right now. My daughter asked me to talk last night and she said that mornings are hard for her because I'm loud. LOL, boy is she right. You know, my me time occurs in the morning and hers is at night and she's very respectful about noise, for both my and my roommate's sake. And that is very appreciated. And so, you know, I felt that she deserved not only to be heard with respect, but also that I validate her and agree to try and be quieter. There are a couple things I have to do but I greeted the kitties quietly this morning, I make my own cold foam for my coffee and that needs to noisy and I took my morning shower (the bathroom is right next to her bedroom), but that is literally a 2 minute deal. I just go in to freshen up certain "areas." I also started my laundry but I held off on putting them in the drier (it works, but needs repairs and it makes this high pitched squeal when it's on). When my sister got here, we went on our walk right away; one, to give my daughter some quiet and two, cuz it's gonna start warming up today.

I put the air on this morning. I had to. It was brutal last night. I cranked it down to 70 and by the time my sissy and I got back from our walk, it was nice and cool so I turned it back up to 72.

I honestly don't know how my ancestors survived summers. Ugh!

So yesterday was productive. I applied for 3 jobs, I did a lot of little pickups, I made dinner. It was just consistent, not going hard or anything but moving quite a bit. I far exceeded my step goal.

I'm in a state of limbo right now with Willow's Whimsy but this time around, I know that the waiting and patience will pay off.

A job is simply my first priority right now.

So on that note, I am going to go search for a job some more. I hope you all have an amazing day and I will be back tomorrow.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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