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Sunday, June 9, 2024

This Girl's a Fin!!!

Hi Everyone,

I'd love to tell you that I've been a busy bee but I really haven't, just kindof slugging it but not completely. Whatevah, ya know?

I'm determined to find a job this week. 

And to get my all my exercise in.

And it's a cleaning week. 

I'm rollerskating only on Mondays, for the lessons right now.

I got my DNA results in and guess what? I can now say that I'm a Finlander. I could pay to go deeper into this, to find out where is Finland and if that line was Sami...I don't have my heart set on it or anything and I don't really care, it's just interesting but finding that out isn't a priority. Other surprises included the fact that I'm Norwegian, Danish and Welch. I knew I was Irish, English and Swedish. Dad told me once he thought  he'd heard that we had Scottish blood and possibly French. Scottish was confirmed but no French.

I'm ok with that.

My emotions continue to be a challenge for me, but I seem to be doing OK with them. A job. A job will provide insurance and insurance means meds.

Even then, it'll take about six weeks to kick in.

I just don't fight life anymore. It's exhausting being rebellious even onto myself.

I need to a rebel where it makes sense to. 

Anyways, nothing new to report.

So, ciao darlings. until tomorrow.

Have a great day.  Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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The Witch Tree

  Hi Everyone, I have wanted to blog, I really have but doing anything, per the norm of late, is like trudging through a mountain of sticky,...