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Monday, June 10, 2024

Fully Vested

Good Morning,

Wow. I actually got up when I said I was gonna this morning. It was hard. But I went right to my little meditation area and started with that. I then made my shake, went to the gym, picked my daughter up, came home, showered, cleaned the bathroom and I'm on my 3rd load of laundry. I just ate my breakfast and am letting things digest, before going on a little walk. 

My sister is here and we are both having a work day. She's got stuff to do for her work and I am looking for work.

She's going to go on the aforementioned walk with me but she's diligently working away as I write.

I think the next two days should be pretty decent but then the heat is going to kick in. Wah.

Me no likey.

Tonight, I am finally, and yes, this is a 100% guarantee, going to take the rollerskating class tonight. 

I know that I am going to be so exhausted come bed time tonight. I got just under 6 hours last night but there were no wakeups so I mean, better than nothing. I really pushed myself last night to get everything I had listed, completed before falling asleep. And I did it.

Best believe I have a list for today too. I'm sticking to it. 

So, I guess you could say I'm fully vested in today, I have a plan, it's a good plan and it's doable.

And I guess, on that note, I'm off to get shit done.

Hope y'all get shit done too.

Have a good day. Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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