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Thursday, June 6, 2024

Speak Positivity


Good Morning,

So I started out the day with a reminder. My friend Tracy reminded me the importance of speaking and thinking positively. 

You know, instead I saying, I have no money, saying, "I have everything I need right now and more is coming to me."

My sweet Grey is sitting with me. I can feel her purring. She's impossibly tiny now but I think it seems like she's tinier than she is because Pumpkin is so big. Lil' Pumps ain't so lil'.

The scale is my friend again, I seem to be back on track with food and all that. Now to hunker down and get the exercise piece going.

My sister came out the other day and we ran some errands and got something to eat. Well, I had eaten super early that day, so she got an actual dinner and I got a piece of pie. I ate half of it then and half of it yesterday. Strawberry Rhubarb. Damn. 

There are good things in this world and that is one of them.

I do have a sortof plan for today but won't bother with the details. I'll just do the best I can all day, give whatever I do, lots of focus and energy and then we'll see what unfolds.

I have been sleeping beautifully for the past week. 7+ hours every night. My deep sleep and REM has been good too.

And I have NOT been taking naps. I can't tell you how much that helps me in my ongoing quest with good sleep.

Anyhoo, on with my day. I hope yours is good. Speak some positivity!! 

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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