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Monday, June 3, 2024

Thinking Aloud


Good Morning! 

The sun is shining but my understanding is that the temps will raise to 82 or so, so if I want to get a walk in, it needs to happen now...or you know, soon.

I am getting sleep again, ever since I was able to get the fan in the window. I'm a little worried about tonight, as the lows are slowing going on up as well as the highs but I guess I should practice what I preach and not worry about it until it arrives.

I had a pretty chill weekend. It was cloudy and there was some rain. 

I did meet with my friend Trish and I learned so much from her regarding starting an LLC.But today, I want what I always want which is to accomplish something. Anything really at this point.

I did look into some things for the moment but money is involved and I need to steer clear of that right now. Right now, the priority is finding a job. 

The priority after that is moving. I found out that my old complex no longer allows dogs so I am going to have to have faith and trust that that will come eventually, just not now.

Once we move, I am considering taking out a bigger loan to ensure that I can start this business the right way and that I will have something to fall back on if needed. The goal would be to have it paid off in a year and then I would get a new vehicle. Just slowly build up towards my goals. But clearly, taking on some debt is going to be the way to go. 

I'm thinking aloud here and really, I should get moving. I meditated this morning and that's a good start so here we go.

I love you all madly and am hoping for a good Monday for you all.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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