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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Yesterday Today


Hello, Hello,

So I meant to post this yesterday but didn't hit the submit button so here is yesterday's offering:

Okie dokie. So time for a bit of change. I spent much of my day with my sister yesterday and I was talking about how I'm depressed again. I just am. It's not my fault, it's just the shit that happens to me. And I talked about the "big feelings" coming back and how I don't like it. 

Yes, I have new skills. I have coping skills but if something helps and makes using the skills more accessible, and is not harmful in any way, shouldn't I take advantage of that?

I don't have insurance but could probably call my doctor and let her know I need a prescription, I think she would give me the prescription without a visit and I could just pay for the scrip? I would make up the cost by ending my membership at the gym. 

The gym I enrolled in...I can do all that at Planet Fitness for $70 less a month. The amenities I signed on for?  I have to go to another gym for them; the whirlpool is coed at the gym by me so if I want the privacy of a whirlpool in the women's locker room, I have to drive further and so far, it hasn't been worth it to do so.

I'll walk through the discomfort of figuring out the machines at Planet Fitness. I don't want to just use the circuit machines.

I can do it though. I'm thinking of cancelling Netflix too, just until I have a job. In fact, I'm thinking of going awol on internet shit, other than Willow's Whimsy to see how it affects my mental health break.

I don't know. Maybe, ya know? I would blog though. I would.

We shall see. 

I had another good day yesterday. I did go work out, I did make my step count. My sister came over and I made us lunch, nothing big; hotdogs, watermelon, beans, potato  salad and chips. It was yummy. Then sister and I went and saw Back to Black. I love Amy Winehouse. She was one of those people, as many creatives are, who was pretty much primed for addiction be it alcohol, dope, men...and then you add issues with her upbringing; these things all came together to create the perfect storm. She left us her music though.

But it lead to a good talk with my sister. She is very supportive of me and she backed up my thoughts about getting back on the meds.

Alrighty, well...I'm off to do my thang. I hope you all have a great day!

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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The Witch Tree

  Hi Everyone, I have wanted to blog, I really have but doing anything, per the norm of late, is like trudging through a mountain of sticky,...