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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Bitching, Laughing, Catching Up

Good Morning!

How y'all doing today? I'm good. It's an "on" day. Some days I just wake up ok and today is one of those days.

Sleep has been good. Lots of dreaming last night.

Yesterday I got 7 applications in. Some of them were what LinkedIn calls an "easy apply" and I love those ones so much. You just submit your resume.


My sister and I drove out to drop off some pictures to my daughter for her wedding reception. It was fun to see her at her job, I've never been to where she works.

'My bestie beastie called me yesterday. We had a good chat. Bitching, laughing, catching up. ve spent this morning largely picking up. 

I still have to do the kitchen and tonight, I have to clean the fridge out as tomorrow is garbage day. 

I've been struggling with the weight thing. I'm in this limbo and I freaking hate it. Come off already. I'd at least like to hit the next milestone.

We shall see, we shall see.

You just have to keep going. I'm tenacious that way, even when I'm my own worst enemy. 

Well, my sissy is next to me, diligently working on things so I suppose I should do some of the same. 

Job search time.

I hope you all have a great day. Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


Anyways, I'm going for a slow and steady wins the race kind of attitude today. 

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