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Sunday, May 26, 2024

Easy Peasy


Hi Everyone,

Using my logo today. I hope you guys like it. I've had a really great response to it so far. I love it!!!

So. Things have not been great over here in Denise's mind. 

They haven't been horrid but they have been...not great. Today, I got up and I pushed through the now usual negative talk. I don't bash myself anymore but the negativity comes in as far as self-pity, why can't I live my life the way I want to...everything I want to do just feels like to much...bla bla fucking bla.

But today I got up, I showered, I meditated, I went rollerskating. And I wiped the fuck out. First time for everything. Luckily, only my ego was bruised. I pushed through and kept on going. It makes me sad that they don't play on rock on Saturday nights or Sunday mornings. If you want a rock night, you have to go on Wednesdays and it doesn't start until either 8 or 8:30. This also messes with my birthday plans this year because my birthday is on a Saturday and I want to invite everyone to come skating to celebrate. But I was hoping for some old school rock. Wah.

It'll still be fun and this week, I'm going to go Wednesday night, even though it's late. I'll do bougie bath night before hand and wear minimal makeup so my mad evening skincare practice can still occur.

It'll be fun. I am finally going to take skate lessons tomorrow as well. My goal is to be as good as I can possibly be for my aforementioned birthday shindig in January.

I decided to chill out yet again on my many daily task lists. I'm going to focus on 1 or 2 projects a day, that way this shit will finally get done.

Today, it's making the master list with that in mind and then making the new banner for my YouTube channel. That's easy peasy.

I increased my step goal to 8K, which I realize is probably minimal for most folks but it's how you use those 8K steps that matters.

I'm sick of not hitting the 50lb goal so I'll be working towards that this week too. The weight has been headed in the wrong direction the past two weeks but only slightly so.

Ah, so I dropped my daughter at work, came back and made myself my dinner (pulled pork quesadilla), got the dishes in the dishwasher and ran a load, and went for a walk. I'm roughly 1500 away from my step goal. And I'll make it, I have no doubt about that.

I'm currently doing my ES device on some particular bulges in my calves and when I am finished, I shall put all the clean dishes away and make my banner and write out that schedule I mentioned above, then facial, shower, bla bla, pick up my daughter. She unfortunately has a work meeting tonight at 9:30 and I'll be able to take her but she'll be responsible for getting herself home. 

She's been working really hard this week, not only at work but at home too, taking care of her shit, not sleeping in ridiculously late, she's doing the deal. I'm proud of her.

And I feel better today. I haven't been sad, I've kept things lowkey but moving. I'll feel good about this day when I lay head to pillow.

If I blog tomorrow, I'll let you know if I accomplished the few things I tasked myself with.

It feels good.

And so on that note, I bid you adieu.

Passe une bonne soiree.

Soyez beni.

Amour et Lumiere,


Passe une bonne soirée

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