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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Save That Money Little Honey Bunny

Hi Everyone,

My nails have grown so long and I need a fill but today got away with me and I am now playing catch up so I guess tomorrow it is.

I need a job now. I am really feeling the pressure. It's so fucking stressful. I feel like the world has just become so stressful.

I screw myself over with my daily lists because the bottom line is I need to work full-time to find something. 

Well I got a little bump from the Universe. I went to pay bills today and none of them were as high as I thought they would be.

If I'm honest, yes, so much has changed, I have changed but certain patterns have not and if I see these things, then I have to change these things.

I'm just really frustrated today, pretty much with everything but I don't have it in me today to just lie down and do nothing so laundry and vacuuming has happened. Dishes have happened. A walk has happened. Leaving now to pick up a vase for lilacs at the good will and to pick up my groceries. I ordered them for pickup so I don't have to pay a frickin' tip and service fee.

Save that money anyway ya can man.

Alright, well, I am out. No list, I mean there is one but I'm going to just keep moving from one thing to the next today.

I hope you are all doing well. Have a great day. Be blessed.

Love & Light,


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