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Thursday, May 2, 2024



Hi All,

Good Evening. I would've blogged earlier but I wanted to see what I'd be able to accomplish first. I don't know if it's the weather (shitty, cloudy, rainy, a bit too cold) or what, but I was exhausted all day. I literally had to force myself to get the priorities done. 

I'm not depressed, I was able to determine that as soon as I realized I wasn't feeling quite myself. No, not depressed, just tired.

In spite of that, I did get some things done. I did some more laundry, I swear that shit never ends. I cleaned the bathroom. I drove out to Brooklyn Center to pick up my edibles as I am almost out. I went to the gym and walked on the treadmill and did a mini ab workout. I came home and warmed up some chili I had taken out of the freezer. I added this smoked pulled pork from Costco to it. My sister discovered this stuff and it's freaking delicious. Yeah, so I ate and then I gave myself a facial, did my ES, showered, did the foot massager and now I'm chillin' next to Pumpkin. She's crashed out next to me. 

This little kitty (ok, not so little) dreams a lot. She's twitching and sometimes she purrs, sometimes she growls, sometimes she sortof keens and sometimes she meows. I would love to know what she dreams. 

I am 43 steps away from hitting my step goal for the day and I have no doubt that I will hit that before I go off to lala land.

I'm done cleaning for the week so that is awesome. Other than going to the gym tomorrow, I haven't decided what's on my list of to do's. It is supposed to be sunny and warm so I'll be going on an extra walk tomorrow.

I was going to do yoga tonight but I'm stiff and tired. My fitbit keeps a readiness score for me each day; it's based on daily activity, amount of rest, etc. It was low today and that makes sense given how tired I was and the amount of pushing I had to do to myself to do anything.

So, I'll be reading for a bit and then watching some Grey's Anatomy and then going to bed.

Sometimes we have to really push through but we can also dumb it down just to make the basic priorities like I did today.

Oh! Another pair of pants retired and 2 pairs that now fit me.

Life is good. It's the little things.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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The Witch Tree

  Hi Everyone, I have wanted to blog, I really have but doing anything, per the norm of late, is like trudging through a mountain of sticky,...