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Monday, May 6, 2024

Get You Some Cuddles


Good Morning One & All,

I already blew my goal of blogging everyday this month but it's OK. I can only do my best. I could argue that I got a ton done last week but I keep putting the job search aside to make room for other priorities and I keep putting Willow's Whimsy aside too. 

I think I've been in a sortof denial but no more. The theme of this week is to find a job. I don't want to work anymore than the next person. Well, I suppose some people love what they do. But not me. However, I do want to get my own place, I do want to travel. And I suppose these things cost money. 

Anyways, yeah, my lists this week will consist of 3 priorities:

  • Job Search
  • Exercise
  • Willow's Whimsy
I'm going to make up my schedule after this blog and showering, do some clean up, go to the gym and then hit the rest of the day.

I saw my sister this weekend. She came out this way. We had been hanging out so much that I really missed her even though, it hadn't even been a full two weeks since I'd last seen her. I ended up seeing her again yesterday because yours truly left her key in her sister's car so my daughters and I drove out (my oldest drove, I couldn't, my sister had my key) and met her half way. 

Then my girls and I went back to my place and laughed and talked and dissed. It was fun.

But last night, I had anxiety up the arse. I'm surprised I even got to sleep last night but I did. And according to my fitbit, it was fairly decent sleep.

I decided not to up my step goal this week or my meditation minutes. Next week, I'll increase my step goal by 250 more steps per day and I'll add one minute to my meditation time. And I'll stay busy.

If there's a specific, obvious reason for my anxiety, it's much easier to talk myself off the cliff but if there's not, it can be a bit harder to regulate so in this case, I just try to keep putting one foot in front of the other, act as if, stay too busy to think. The problem either goes away or eventually reveals itself so it can be dealt with.

My Grey Grey just gave me a handwashing, lol. Anytime, I get on my bed, whether it's to go to sleep, blog, read, what have you, up she comes demanding cuddle time.

And I suppose that's a good way to end this blog today.

Get you some kind of cuddles if you can. It's good for the soul.

Have a great day. 

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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The Witch Tree

  Hi Everyone, I have wanted to blog, I really have but doing anything, per the norm of late, is like trudging through a mountain of sticky,...