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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Meaning & Purpose



How's everyone doing? I hope this entry finds you well. 

Happy Beltane!! May Day to those of you not in the know, lol.

I am doing good. A little frustrated because today is the day I do a deep conditioning on my hair. I only do it once a month but part of it is that I put in this Olaplex 3 stuff after dampening my hair and I keep it in all day. Guess what I'm out of? Yeah. Olaplex 3. 

It's OK. Go with the flow and adjust. So I vacuumed the dining room, vacuumed the stairs going up to the top level and I vacuumed the upper hallway. I can't vacuum my room just yet because it's a mess. I have a ton of stuffed animals and they are all on the floor because I washed my comforter and I'm now waiting for it to dry.

I also swept and mopped the kitchen and entryway. Just waiting for the floor to dry as well, so I'm up in my room and blogging.

I also meditated this morning, that's important.

So, this week is soooo much better. I got a ton done Sunday, Monday & Tuesday. I went to the gym Monday, finally back at it. I did cardio and some core work yesterday and then after my roommate went to bed, I did yoga. I didn't do my full practice but I did do most of it. I think it's got to be the strength training but I was pleasantly surprised at how much I can do again. I lost so much of my balance, coordination and flexibility by not doing much for so long and it's almost all back. Not fully, but very, very close. So I am going to do my yoga on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Just twice a week for now. I am learning to not just speak moderation but to live it.

It's better this way. It ensures that I will ultimately achieve my goals. So anyways, I am just waiting until 10 so I can run to Ulta and get what I need. Then I can come home, take my morning shower, do my skincare, bla bla bla, and get the hair treatment in. 

Then I will go to the gym.

The two big projects for today are to go through the fridge (garbage day tomorrow) because they look like they blew up and I need to get rid of everything that's gone bad. I get rid of anything that has expired or any leftovers that have been in the fridge for more than 3 days.

I have to go through both fridges and both freezers so that's one project. The other is to get my camera up and running and to start researching my ass off about all the things I have on my list for Willow's Whimsy.

Today, I'm going to start by ordering a minimal amount of supplies so I can test the waters with making:

  • Lotion
  • New, better body butters
  • Better Body scrubs
  • Laundry detergent
  • Specialized colorant
Then I am going to fill out the stuff I need to get my LLC.

That's it for today. I have several errands I have to run with my daughter as well.

I want everything I do, other than my designated slug times to have meaning and purpose, to move me a little closer to achieving my goals.

So there you have it. 

It'll be a busy day, but a productive day and I'm pacing myself. 

Here we go.

I hope your day is wonderful.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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The Witch Tree

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