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Monday, April 15, 2024

To Multi-Task Or Not to Multitask


Hi Everyone,

How goes it? Me? I'm good. Tired. My days feel like there just isn't time enough to get things done. And there's so much to do, that I have little time to devote to just one thing. Last week was a cleaning week and I didn't get any of that done so I tried to kick ass today and I did but many things fell by the wayside. It's stressful. 

I think I heard my roommate come home from dinner out so vacuuming is now out but I'm going to clean the bathroom as soon as I'm done here. I can multitask by cleaning the shower while I'm taking a shower. 

I have to pick my daughter tonight and she closes as a server so I am going to be up late. I won't get enough sleep because I am hoping to get up at 5 to do said vacuuming. I won't be home tomorrow so I just want to get it done as there will still be plenty to do on Wednesday. 

Enough whining about that. I did laundry today. I went to the gym, I cleaned my room and changed the sheets, I got my daughter to work, there's more, I just can't think of it at the moment.

I did meditate this morning. I'm up to a 15 minute session. As soon as I get to 20, I will begin implementing an afternoon session, starting at 5 minutes a pop. 

I just wanted to check-in and let you all know that I'm still north of the earth and that I am being productive.

And on that note, time to clean the bathroom!!

I hope you have all had a good day!!

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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