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Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Bougie Everyday


Good Morning!

How is everyone doing this rainy, cold hum98888888888888888888888888888889p day. That was Pumpkin. She says hello.

So yesterday was a good day. I went out to my sister's again and in spite of not doing any walks with her and her pup, I got my steps in, did some cardio and did some yoga. As much as I like yoga, I hate the classes. They are repetitive and hard to do. 

I do have a whole practice I do on my own, that I kindof made up from various tapes I've had and videos I've watched and it's really about mastering that, stretching and building balance and stamina. I'll still do my own practice but I'm not going to devote any time anymore to learning the hard stuff or doing it in a class.

But my point is that I had a good, restful day and my sleep was much better last night then it was the night before.

This morning I did the meditation, the quick morning shower, skincare routine, a load of laundry and I cleaned the bathroom, kitchen and entryway. I'm tired. I decided to blog now because I have this massage thingy my daughter gave me and my back really needs it. It goes over my desk chair and I can do it while I'm on the computer. It warms up too, which is a lot of wonderful.

I'm headed to the gym next. 

If I don't finally hit my next milestone this week, I am going to scream, loud enough so that everyone in the state of MN can hear it. SO frustrating when you are trying so hard.

But I'm not giving up this time. I've learned that with the strength training, it's good to do only cardio the next day. I didn't feel like the water aerobics was challenging enough. I mean, it sortof was but it involved strength stuff and that doesn't give my body a rest. Tomorrow night, I am doing this dance class that sounds fun and it's just dance, no weights, no bands, just cardio. 

Hopefully, I'll like the music. But yeah, I will probably just do the treadmill on Tuesdays, give myself sometime in the whirlpool and the steam room.

Bougie has to fit in each day somehow. I mean, this is me we're talking about.

The rest of today, after the gym will be spent on things like organizing all my charges, typing up recipes, job search, etc. and running some errands with my girl cub.

And so on that note, I bid you good day.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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