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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

That's a Wrap


Good Morning,

Ah, once again, I am lollygagging. So much to do. There is always so much to do but I also know that I have a routine that doesn't serve me. I deleted this stupid game off my phone once again. It takes over everything. I re-downloaded it again this morning and within minutes deleted it yet again.

Change is hard, even something as simple as deleting a phone game can make me feel insecure and anxious. But no good thing comes without risk. And let's call a spade, a spade. Deleting a phone app is not the end of the world, it's not apocalyptic.


I helped my kiddo pay a bunch of her bills and she feels good about that. I should clarify, she knows how to pay her bills, but she didn't know the website for one of them or where the pay my bill forms are so I showed her all of that.

Today is gonna just unfold. That's it. I don't have planning an entire day and holding myself up to that. 

I've been a bit out of whack, what with the full moon working it's shenanigans on me. Yesterday was good, much better and last night, I got over 8 hours of sleep so there you have it.

It's sunny and beautiful today so I want to make the most of that too. 

Yesterday I was out at my sister's. We walked her pooch after her dinner and it was a long, eventful walk. Early in the walk, I took my coat off because I was too warm in it. But as we got much further into the walk, the clouds grew dark and the rain started, along with the wind. It got very, very cold so I put my coat back on. As awful as that might sound, it was actually really cool. The rain, while really coming down, was a bit of a softer rain if that makes sense, like it wasn't pelting and lashing us. And it didn't last too long. As we came to the end of the walk, we saw the most beautiful, vibrant rainbow I think I've ever seen. It was stunning. My sister took some pics of it and you could see the vibrance, even through the camera lens.

I felt like that was a sign and a gift to both of us...and anyone else who saw it too. Just wow.

Rainbows signify hope and promise. It's a good thing.

I got in almost 3K steps over my goal.

So, yeah, the goal today is a lack of goals. The goal is to just do and not question or judge myself. 

I'm getting me arse back on track.

And that's a wrap. I hope you all have a great day.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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