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Sunday, April 21, 2024

Hopeful Happy Dance

 Good Afternoon!!

So much to tell, lol.

Ok, so first, I made my next milestone; I weighed in yesterday at 169.4 lbs. I am finally under 170. I'm at a point now with all of this, that I know what works so if I apply that this week, I will hit my next milestone this Saturday, which will be weighing in at 167lbs, which will mean I've lost 50lbs.

I have hope now, also finally, that maybe, just maybe, I will be at my goal before the summer ends which means I'll be able to wear the cute summer stuff I got to motivate myself.

Hopeful Happy Dance.

I've had some great weeks and I know I'm not blogging much but that's because I've been spending quite a bit of time out at my sister's place and I don't like lugging my computer with me. Trust me, I lug enough out there as it is. 

My poor sissy, I'm always forgetting something at her house, lol. She's used to it. It's a standing joke and I think it's ok to speak on her behalf just to say that she'd probably be shocked if I didn't forget something.

You know what? Yesterday was one of those unexpected day. It was chill but so many good things ended up getting packed into it. This is the stuff you put in a pocket in your heart, to take out when the sun isn't shining and to make you happy when you're feeling blue.

And! I am getting better and better on the roller rink. Crossovers are the norm now but only right over left. I'm too chicken to try anything else. I'm going to practice every day, you know, without the skates on so I can get my coordination together, get my legs used to doing this both ways. I also decided no lessons until I get a job.

But I also decided that I'm throwing a frickin' birthday party for myself in January and it's gonna be at the roller rink. My birthday is on a Saturday next year so it'll work it out perfect. Adult skate starts at 8:30 and yeah...Imma show off my progress!!!

So if you live here, if you're a friend and if you read this blog, PUT JANUARY 25TH, 8:30PM ON YOUR CALENDAR.

Today has been good. I made a list and so far, so good. I've got bread rising right now, caraway bread, and it will soon go in the oven. 

My step goal goes up each week as long as I hit the current goal Sunday through Friday, so I'm up to 7000 steps. Not much but those steps are utilized wisely. I'm actually over 8000 and it's 4:28 so who knows how many I'll end up with.

It's sunny so I went on a beautiful walk, only 20 minutes but I'm amazed at the changes even to my walk. I can do this whole square now, that square used to take me 30 minutes. Shit's crazy man.

I'm happy.

Happy is good.

I hope you all are having a wonderful day. I got some bread to get in the oven, so y'all have a great evening too.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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The Witch Tree

  Hi Everyone, I have wanted to blog, I really have but doing anything, per the norm of late, is like trudging through a mountain of sticky,...