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Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Pacing Myself


Good Morning!!

So. I decided that while the classes I take on top of my training are great, I am only going to take classes on the days I don't do training. I felt a little dizzy training this morning. I doubled my step goal yesterday and I mean, good on me but I'm exhausted. Well...that's not quite right either, I'm actually feeling energized but my body is so sore. That's to be expected but sister said this morning, "You don't want to burn out" and she's right, I don't. 

I am making amazing progress. And I know that if I don't pace myself, I'll run myself ragged and start making excuses not to go.

The reason I'm OK with classes on Tuesday and Thursday is because while I do a core workout that my trainer taught me, it's only 2 different exercises and I don't feel as body tired as I do on training days.

I have an ass. I did not know until yesterday that I still have one. My glutes are so sore.

And I could do a class and nothing else on Saturday but the things is, I do need one day where I don't do any intentional exercising. My body does need recovery time. That's really important too. 

I'll tell ya what, it's so weird for me to be forcing myself to take down time. My MO if you will, has been the exact opposite.

I'm happy about this. Pride doesn't come into this. I'm just happy with myself. And happy I'm able to do all of this right now because once I start working again, that's when the potential to become overwhelmed by it will be present. 

So...short blog. But. I am going to apply for a job or too now and get on with my day. It's windy AF but the clouds are thin, thus allowing some sun in and that's huge for me. 

I'm having fish tacos for dinner and I'm already so excited for them.

I hope you have a great dinner too and a great day.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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