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Tuesday, April 2, 2024

No Struggles

 Hi Everyone,

How y'all doing? I hope you are all well.

I am good, better than good. Tomorrow might be the day I hit my next milestone. I am .2lbs from it. I have been sticking to my plan for the gym this week. So far, I have gone above and beyond my step goal everyday.

I'll tell you though, this planters fasciitis? It hurts. I will do my foot massager tonight and tomorrow night is bougie bath so I'll soak in Epsom salts which helps so much.

I need to force the issue with water though. My pee smells bad. It always smells bad when I don't drink enough water and I think I've averaged about 4 cups a day this week. I'm ok without getting in 8 cups but I need to get in 6 to have my pee not smell strong. 

Well this blog went

I've been hanging with my sister, today I'm doing job search from her place and I get in tons of steps because I go on her dog walks with her. 

I wanted to mention the Happy Light again. I told you all I would check in with you on this after I'd been using it consistently.

It works. It's not a cure for depression but mornings can be hard for me and I sit in front of the light while I meditate each morning and I am able to motivate myself relatively quickly after meditating...and I feel good. Mornings have almost been the worst for me and really hard mornings have traditionally set the tone for the entire day.

Not so anymore. As long as I can make it to my meditation area and get that light on...I'm going to be good to go.

Ok, so all this exercising? Every part of my body is sore. But I'm not just noticing the weight loss, I'm noticing that my endurance is increasing. My sister noticed it to on the dog walks. I am walking faster and I last the whole walk.'s paying off. Do you know this is the most weight I've ever lost on my own? It's not the most weight I've ever lost but I mean, I had gastric bypass before. This time, I'm doing the work myself. I'm exercising, I'm eating less but a bit healthier. I will say this though, cuz my sister and I were talking about this today. I pretty much eat whatever I want, I am not following any kind of diet. It really does come down to calories in, calories out. So moderation is the name of my game. I do try to make better, healthier choices but if I want a donut, I have a donut. 

This week, my sleep duration has decreased but is still within the time I'm ok with so I'm not gonna stress that one at all.

Yeah, I'm good this week; no struggles, relatively little stress. And it's slowly warming here in MN. Thank the Gods.

So...carry on and have an amazing rest of your day. You deserve it. Say it, "I deserve to have a good day."

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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The Witch Tree

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