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Saturday, March 30, 2024



Good Morning,

After yesterday, all I can say is that I am so glad today is a no exercise day for me. I worked hard yesterday. I worked hard with exercise and my list. I went steady until I had to go pick up my daughter. I had a hard time sleeping last night, I think because my brain and my body got worked so hard yesterday. But it felt great going to bed knowing I did the best I could do.

There were some things I didn't get done but no big deal. I already caught up on some of them this morning.

I understand why some people keep themselves busy at this level all the time. For some, it's a way of not feeling. I will have to pay close attention to that as things pick up for me. I don't want to miss anything and I don't want to end up in a place where all this busyness sneaks up on me and I'm whammed with big feelings. 

Thus meditation and I think journaling. Typing out a blog is doable but in pen to paper, a lot comes out. It can only help.

So today is low key and tomorrow will be too. The roller rink is closed so I'll go on a walk instead. 

I did not make my next milestone this week, I maintained. 

That's OK.

I will forge on, lol.

I'm making the easter dinner mom always made in honor of her tomorrow and I may go to Church as well. I'm not Christian but I am...I just want to honor mom. 

We'll see.

I am going to meet one of my lifers for coffee in an hour. Miss Kirsten. 

So I hope you all have a fantastic day.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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The Witch Tree

  Hi Everyone, I have wanted to blog, I really have but doing anything, per the norm of late, is like trudging through a mountain of sticky,...