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Tuesday, March 19, 2024

The Flow


Good Morning!

Ah, I am living the dream. I went on my walk this morning and got back and slathered my feet with this ointment I bought for achy aches. And now as I blog, I am sitting with my feet firmly planted in my new foot massager. It does kneading, compression and vibration. It also heats up. And it feels...well massage in any form (other than sexual) is my jam so let's just say it's wonderful.

Yesterday was a good day. I started at the gym I just joined (note to self, I need to go in and get rid of my Planet Fitness membership) and had a training session. I already wrote about it on Facebook but this young man is truly a go-getter. He just got back from an extended missionary trip to Honduras and I just...I give back in other ways but that's what I look for in people. What are you doing for others? He was literally a joy to speak to, so enthusiastic about his future and I found out his grandfather is Philippino and how he wanted all his children and grandchildren to be either doctors or nurses. That is very common in that particular culture. His dad has an MBA in bio medical technology but has spent his entire career in IT. We laughed so hard.

Then I met a woman named Lisa who is 2 years cancer free and trying to get herself physically fit and healthy and we were talking  foot. She was so funny.

A lot of these gyms will try to sell you a fitness package on top of your membership fees and this young man did not do that. Because we gabbed so much, he felt that he owed me another session so I'm going in bright and early tomorrow morning and he will have everything written up and we will go through it one more time. What a gem!!

Other than that, it was really just life stuff; paid some bills, paid a huge chunk of the loan I have, made dinner.

Speaking of dinner, I've got beef stew in the crock-pot and it smells so flippin' good. There is this stuff that I use with certain meals and I want to use it for this. So a run to the store is in order. I have to go to Walfart anyways so I'll stop in and grab some of it, I can't remember what it's called and I swear I bought some but I couldn't find it in the fridge or anywhere else. It's expensive but oh well. I made the stew without a recipe. It smells divine so I hope it turns out. More on that tomorrow.

I had a job interview this morning. We'll see. I don't have it in me to waste energy on anxiety over it. It'll be what it'll be. Nuff said.

So the rest of today is really all about job search, working on the family cookbook, and going to Yoga at 6:45.

And just some minimal shopping. 

It's partly cloudy with more emphasis, at least right now, on sunny. It's windy but on my walk, I made sure my poor ears (they are so sensitive) were covered so I was just fine.

I feel very calm and content today; this feeling started yesterday. I'm not accustomed to calm and content but I am allowing myself to sit with it and take it in and enjoy it. It's something I find I like and something I am grateful for. And I attribute that 99% entirely to consistent and increased time in meditation each day. I don't remember the last time I didn't 

My two speeds have always tended to be 0 or 100. I literally let yesterday just flow and the same is true today.

So yeah, that's where things are at right now. I'll tell you all about the rest of my day...tomorrow.

I hope your day is a good one, filled with happy moments, productive moments and lots of love.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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The Witch Tree

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