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Monday, March 18, 2024

Make It Good, Make It Count


Good Morning,

So let's just start in the here and now. I am having a relatively hard time getting going. I've managed to meditate, shower and pray, and put in a load of laundry. That's about it. 

This is happening because I fell asleep way later than intended and when this happens, I have to allow myself the time to get in 7+ hours of sleep. As everyone would, I guess, know by now, little sleep equals a salty, sad, unmotivated Denise. It can deeper than that if it's prolonged.

At any rate, I didn't get up til 7:30 and that threw my schedule off. This is something I've been working really hard on, is adjusting when need be. I have no choice, I have to sleep but that doesn't mean the day is shot, it doesn't mean I can't accomplish anything. In fact, I can still accomplish everything I wished to. 

So after this, I'm going to go on a walk, bundle up and get some good steps in. And then we'll go from there. Like, it's all going to be fine. Not freaking out and pushing through are too skills that are new to me but I worked hard to get there. 

Regardless if I'm on medication or not, (currently not), I still have to do the work. There is no magic pill to fix me. There are things that can help me along the way, but they don't do it all.

I have goals and I have dreams and they will not happen if I give in to this feeling of lethargy. It's so much easier to give up but some wonderful things have happened in my life; some of them just were gifts from the Universe, but most of them came from hard work and so as the day goes on, I need to give myself those loving reminders.

I'll let you know tomorrow how this day went. I think we'll be good. I think I'll be good.

Okie, well, I sure hope you all have a great day. Yeah, yeah, it's Monday but let that go, as Janis Joplin said, "it's all the same f*cking day."

In other words, don't label it, don't decide it's "bad."

It will be what you make it.

Make it good, make it count!!

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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