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Sunday, March 10, 2024

Spending Time With Me


Hello and Good Evening,

What a delight to have the sun up longer. That's food for the soul there. And good for the soul.

My cold is like...98% healed. I'm almost over it. I think you should all give lymphatic massage a shot if you get a cold. Here's the video I've been following:

This made all the difference for me. I do it twice a day.

So Sunday. Sunday's are my day with no expectation. I do go roller skating, that's a given. And while I hope someone will be down to do something with me on Sunday's, there will be days no one is available. Today was such a day. So I thought to myself, what have I been wanting to do? And a couple things came to me.

I checked out this wonderful store, it's a metaphysical store; crystals, books, jewelry, incense, and just so much more. I got myself two of the cutest bathbombs, a string of amethysts that light up, a desert rose and a tiger's eye. 

This place is out in Forest Lake and is about a half hour drive north so since I still had time, I decided to go to Hazelden and go for a walk along some of the many, many paths on the massive amount of land there. It's been just over 20 years since I went to treatment there. I took the time as I walked to remember that time of my life and to reflect on all the miracles that have happened since. I might not have stayed sober but that was the true beginning of my journey. 

I have a tendency towards the morose and that's why today was important for me. Isolating and spending time with oneself are two totally different things. It turns out, I like being with me. Me is a good friend.

I didn't know that before today. It was nice to walk, no airpods, and just think and reflect and to focus on the positives as opposed to all the things that hurt to think about and remember.

Then I went and got a salad I love, got way to full and then I went and saw a movie. AMC is doing this really cool thing where they have showings of old movies and today, the showed Labyrinth with David Bowie, which I had never seen. I liked it and I'm happy I saw it.

It was a good day. It was a needed day. This week is gonna be nuts but I got this.

Be Blessed y'all.

Love & Light,


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The Witch Tree

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