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Wednesday, March 13, 2024

In It to Win It


Good Morning!!

Well. I had a horrid day yesterday. I'm not sure why but I will say that I had a really great day the day before and this tends to happen when I have a good day. It's usually followed by a crash day. I have some work to do on that because I ended up giving into it and stuffed my face with stupid shit and even though I asked myself, "why are you doing this," I couldn't seem to find an answer.

It could be as simple as the whole self-sabotage thing. The underlying, "I don't deserve good days."

Some of this stuff is so ingrained, I still don't realize when it's happening. I also took a 3 hour nap. But I woke up ok today. Got up at 5:30 and have been hitting it hard ever since; meditation, shower, skincare, laundry and now blogging. 

I want everything done today. Everything. It's a lot but I have plans for tomorrow and I don't want shit hanging over me.

I want my weekend open too. 

I would ask that you keep my sister's sweet girl Chatty in your thoughts. She's going into the vet today and we're hoping for positive results. 

If you can do that, I would so appreciate it.

Today, I'm going to take little meditation sessions, maybe at the start of each hour and it'll only be for 2 or 3 minutes each and I'm just going to chant positive things about myself. 

I'm in this for the win so I'll do what it takes to keep myself going forwards.

Thanks for reading.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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