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Saturday, March 9, 2024

Hyper Self-Care Mode and Refueling


Good Morning!

Man, it's been a minute. There are some things I have struggled with doing and this blog is one of them. I've been questioning why I still blog and how to make it better.

Maybe not better, I don't claim to do this professionally after all but to make it helpful.

So hold that thought because this blog won't be that, it'll just be lil' ol me, writing about my "stuff".

Obviously, most of the folks who read my blog, are also on my facebook. So you know I went home to the state of my birth, New Jersey. I do not remember the last time I was there, it's been that long. 

You know I rented a car and I will NEVER do that again. I got so ripped off, it's not even funny. But I'm letting that go and chalking it up to lesson learned.

If you use Expedia or the other one, just don't rent a car through them, just rent one right through the actual company. I lost over $200.00 because the car place said that was between Expedia and me, not them. 

The trip was fantastic from start to finish. There was only one hiccup and that had nothing to do with anyone in my family. That was some psycho in Starbucks and I'll be doing a video on that soon.

The trip was truly about family. We have all come together in a way that I'm so grateful for. I love my family so much.

So I landed back in Minnesota around 11:30, my sister picked me up and drove me back to her place to pick up my car and I got home at about 1:30AM, Tuesday morning.

By Wednesday night, I knew I was getting a cold. I went into full on healing mode. I don't have time to lay around in bed and so I've been doing lymphatic drainage massage, ear palpating, netty pot and drinking this horrid tea I make and my symptoms have not worsened. I also have not developed a cough, which for me, is almost always the worst part of getting a cold. Coughs can end up lingering forever when I get sick.

I will admit to taking some cold syrup when my head starts to hurt because it has acetaminophen in it and the other stuff is just a bonus.

I do slow myself down, no gym, no running a million errands, just simple stuff. I still have sniffles and a bit of a headache so I'm going to take it easy today.

I am really hoping I feel well enough to roller skate tomorrow. Then I'm planning on going out to this shop in Forest Lake that I've wanted to check out forever and then, at 4, I am going to go see Labyrinth, as I never did see that movie and my understanding is that it's epic, a cult favorite. Being that I am a child of the 80s, I just figured I should probably see it.

And I'll probably take myself out to eat in between. The movie is at 4. I'm going to skate at 10, leave at 11, get to Forest Lake by noon (probably sooner it's not that far, spend some time there and then go get something to eat, I mean it's casual and I'll be by myself so no big deal how the timing goes.

It's important to me to keep at least one day open, Sunday, for just things I enjoy. We all need that one day a week to refuel so to speak.

I will go for a walk today, it's a bit chilly but I'll be sure to keep my ears covered and it won't be a long walk.

Fresh air is healing but you gotta be smart about it.

And if you have the flu, I got nothing, keep your ass in bed and try as best you can to stay hydrated.

And so today, I'm doing easy projects that need doing and you know, that's a good thing. Anything I can get done, well that's progress and an accomplishment.

I finally blogged!! That too is an accomplishment.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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The Witch Tree

  Hi Everyone, I have wanted to blog, I really have but doing anything, per the norm of late, is like trudging through a mountain of sticky,...